
Hey the tan Tacoma RULES and I will not hear otherwise 

The TRD Pro colors are all amazing. Except Voodoo Blue, that was gross. Fuck Voodoo Blue.

I think the main problem here is obviously the lack of effort overall.

Thanks Jalopnik, it was fun while it lasted.

This article was not fact checked and contains several typos. 

If I may quote, he clearly said:

Who says he has kids? Who says his kids arent happy that their dad is living his best life?

Of course gas prices will have to go up, otherwise the companies can’t maintain the record profits they’ve been making. 

One of the biggest selling points of the Rubicon is the Stock Lockers.  You kill that, then you defeat the purpose of a Rubicon. ND

This is just a concept. When it goes to production, it will look like #2.

When I see this name, I don’t think “hashtag 1". I think of the end result of when my kid tells me they have to use the bathroom, and they say #1.

Oh, give it a rest.

Did somebody shit in your cheerios this morning? 

I can’t wait until you personally find one.

Do your own fucking job instead of asking your readers to do it for you.

No slideshows for an entire week!

ahhh the GMG strike has begun bois. 

Only if there is an emergency vehicle there.

All of this. And if you really want to get your dishes clean, add a teaspoon of Ivermectin to the load. And to get that spot-free shine, be sure to put in a cup of your own urine.