
Mercedes is a pretty good writer. 

It’s always been a car town. There are probably more formal events than there used to be but we had our own Woodward Avenue (Central Ave.) and cruising has always been a thing.

I think I figured it out. The writers here all have an angle... The taillight fetishist, the motorsports fan, the car-buying advice guy. Erin is here for the Bad Takes column. She finds a story, then adds her own unique twist on it by finding a terrible opinion/interpretation and writes that.

What is the purpose of this post? FSD is bad, not robust to practical conditions & snow? Yup agreed.

I’m gonna buy one and turn it into a mobile vaccine center.

A car blog located in a dense urban area that is hostile to car ownership. Brilliant.

Hey man, dont worry, some people here want to ban all vehicles from cities so youre just ahead of the curve.

Don’t worry. Texting and watching toktok videos is the same on both sides of the pond. On the other hand, eating a 3 course take out meal in the freeway passing lane is probably a skill you will have to learn.

“Them Duke boys are at it again. Will Bo and Luke be able to get out of this pickle?”

Learning how to drive properly is one of the least American things you can do

What the fuck is this? Written by someone who has no concept of reality outside of NYC? On a CAR centric website?

It would be good if cities were designed for this. Otherwise, how do you intend for office supplies, food and other needs to be taken care of in cities that do this? Sounds like a great idea as an experiment, but I don’t see how this truly works out in real life.

A tough act to follow for sure.

This is not a movie where you can round up the Bad News Bears to go out and win the championship or train the Karate Kid to take down Cobra Kai. Look around. You don’t have anyone left on the bench with talent, moxie, or grit. There are no more lovable goofs that can express the joy of discovering, fixing, and driving

No one will admit to it, but I assume their leaving is due to their active refusal to use slideshows.

Better yet:

David and Tracy ARE Jalopnik.  Everything else is just filler until they post something.  

It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks