
Terrific film, thanks for not spoiling the heartbreaking reveal near the end for Rockwell’s character. The film looks so cool because Jones opted to shoot with models (ala Douglas Trumbull) over CGI.

If you believe this, I got a bridge to sell you. They’re not going to leave money on the table. It’ll come out next Christmas, cost a fortune, and involve holograms somehow in the packaging.

Absolutely the worst car buying experience I have ever had. Bought a new Sportage in 2020, signed paperwork. Salesguy says he will run it thru a car wash, Had the protection film thrown in with the sale (this was Feb2020, cars were plenty and dealers we getting nervous about covid and wanted any sale they could get) .

Where are people finding Buick dealerships?

The new Escape From New York movie is “not a remake,” according to co-director Tyler Gillett in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly.

Know what we want for 2023? No more god damned slide shows.

While I love seeing this science done and am glad they didn’t accidentally nudge that asteroid (and its partner) into a collision path with Earth, I wish we’d spend this sort of effort closer to home to resolve a much more pressing space-related issue: How do we clean up all the junk we’ve flung into Earth’s orbit

. . . and, it’s gone . . . NP, for someone!

Vingroup has businesses all over Vietnam. You might buy groceries at VinMart and clothing at VinPlaza.

That thing will really class up my mechanic's shop.

Okay, but how much of that was spam?

Yet Comcast will still throttle your upload to 30mbps.

Good news. The Forklift driver didn’t have bedbugs.

It's a new product you have to expect some bugs 

Wait, you mean it’s not Biden’s fault? But the stickers said he did that. /s

“Whoa, even we think you’re too much Elon.”

Not to mention HR concerns. I’m a corporate lawyer and if I were still at that company (lol I would never) I would not be able to sleep at night due to the massive amounts of risk this man creates.

Foxconn does this, they house their laborers.  I don’t get the love affair the right has with China and Russia.  Must be that deep seated hate for democracy and America.

For making cocktails, I just stick with the original.

Looks like Musk took Kanye’s “Half-Chinese” comment a little too literally, he wants to turn Twitter into Foxconn. Curious when the nets around the rooftop of the facility will go up to prevent employees from jumping to their deaths.