
I sure hope that 75 mile commute is total, not one way. If the latter, I suggest our friend here consider buying a new house too. Don’t waste what is 2-3 hours a day minimum being stuck in traffic (not even factoring in the blood pressure issues it will cause).

Missed headline opportunity: “Arizona Man Gives New Mercedes Thumbs-Down”

Just selling a car for a high price does not make it a “luxury” car.

Great... coming this spring to every street within earshot of your house, more of this:

“Join me in the mourning of the oft-forgotten midsize sedan”

Oh man I’m so not leaving the propane heater behind! We’ll have some sort of heat! :)

Thoughts and prayers go out to Mercedes. 

Sure Jan.gif

the suspension has been modernized by replacing the IRS with a solid axle? that sounds backwards

Too rare to modify. Too boring to restore. Too expensive to bother.

Put your airplane in airplane mode.

Look I know that EVs are The Car Of The Future and Gasoline Is Bad, but the reality is that the internal combustion engine of today is about 99% cleaner than it was in days gone by. That’s not a minor achievement.

She is also an automotive writer that doesnt know how to drive a manual transmission. Assume nothing..

Can you please give us another article on some new tail lights or quirky automotive feature. Its honestly much better content when you write about something you like.

Why waste capacity and effort building something that barely breaks even when you can do the same and make $10k per unit?

I honestly thought that would be the plan for the van. I’m not sure what the point is to importing it, but having a Jalop-worthy vehicle in Europe is material for endless stories.

Please save your money (for other impulse purchases)

That is the most insane import ever. You will most likely be the first and ONLY person do do that.

Ssomething, something, something... David Tracy... Nope. No how. No way.