
And, for the YouTubers who will eventually buy these wrecked on Copart, there’s now a new challenge: Who can build the first two-door Bronco Raptor?”

I used to do work like this. we had a guy at the docks that would call when a container ship full of TV/VCR combos would come in, he would tell me what truck and what highway it was on

Social media was a mistake.

Replace them with a set of SEV Marchal Iode 812 spot lamps:

After watching the video, she disobeyed one of the first rules of grizzled cop movies. Never go on an assignment when you've got 1 week left on the job!

Six percent of you voted nice price on that Jaguar abomination yesterday, and you should be ashamed.

Those stupid fucking wheels tell me everything I need to know about this car, and what they tell me is no dice.

Whataburger, hands down. If it’s on the menu, it can be put on your burger. I once had the joy of watching a kid from New Jersey eat Whataburger for the first time. It was like that scene from The Road when the son has a coke for the first time in his life 

Not going to argue the Miata being better for etc romance and reliability, but MGBs have tons of leg room, at 6'0" I had several extra clicks on the seat adjustment available, and unlike Triumph TRs, which are super narrow, there is good shoulder room too. You may be thinking of the aptly named MG Midgets and not the

This is a perfect car for a high school kid who wants to learn how to weld while driving something cooler than their friends; and they’ll and end up with something to keep their whole life.

Wha?! Why would I put it on the floor? How could I eat all the fries before I get home with it there?

A buddy of mine just bought an E-class wagon. He told me he really wanted to get an SUV, but the wagon was easier for his aging dog to climb into.


Luxury car pricing does not a luxury car make.

First: Tesla is not a luxury brand. Convince me I’m wrong. The model S can pass for luxury, but not the 3/Y where the bulk of sales sit. Sure they offer huge amounts of technology, but that’s not “luxury”, unless we’re collectively agree to redefine luxury as high tech 

This is a good deal for some one who is a Diesel Bus mechanic and can use the shop where they work for “Government Work”

I thought the stink was Detroit?

I haven’t forgotten MGBs exist - I get reminded every time I go out to my garage...

Sorry about your HHR

..And here I am cringing when I accidentally drop my wash rag on the ground, thoroughly rinsing it out in a wash bucket so I don’t get paint swirls. What is wrong with these city dwellers that they would let strangers scrub crushed rocks (dirt) into their paint for a stupid marketing stunt. I wouldn’t do this to my