And when Orioles fans tell you that, you’re in trouble.
And when Orioles fans tell you that, you’re in trouble.
When asked what he was doing, Green replied “What I always do. Just kickin’ it.”
This whole thing is bizarre, but the part I can’t wrap my mind around is why they stopped traffic for this thing in the first place? Did someone call in and report a groundhog near the road so the police came out and blocked traffic? Did a motorist just stop of their own accord to keep it safe? Odd.
Could’ve saved the county a few thousands dollars by just letting it get run over by traffic like God intended.
The animal is fine. It’ll wake up tomorrow and it’ll be like this never happened.
You kneel for the anthem, you disrespect this hero.
That’ll teach that buck-toothed asshole not to predict an early Spring again.
That’s his cornhole fightin’ shirt.
Looks like some people wore flip flops to a Crocs party, man.
I got $50 on Chad, although Brad has a mean right hook (and his dad owns a dealership).
Apparently they don’t teach referees in Turkey how to avoid standing right in the middle of the action so as not to bowl over a guy with the ball.
Leicester by far.
An article about a predator using his knob and not one Cosby reference.
This is the first time I’ve won this bracket at work, but there’s definitely an asterisk. Had everyone known that Narwhals Mating was actually born Ray Spisak, he might not have been in that position at the end.
i always wondered whether there was shit on the field anywhere outside of Cleveland. now I know.
Maybe they should incorporate that smack into their offense seeing how much it moved the screen.
True to form, in none of these videos does Harden stick around to play defense.
More proof that Kanye was right. Today, sad white men are choosing to be owned.
pulls a Crosby.....
No commercials is pretty fun too