
In defense of The Browns, they were under the impression his last name was “Football”. With a name like that, how could he not know the game? Why even bother asking?

It was the Os Johnny had trouble with. He had no trouble with the Xs.

“Johnny should have known that we don’t know what we should have known that he was known not to know we he or we were knowing what either of us were doing knowingly or unknowingly.” - The Browns

This Sandusky story just won’t die.

Other advertising slogans banned include “Wazzup”, “Where’s the beef” and “Gosh, it would be nice if there were some women around.”

Zimmer talks the talk. And he walks the walk.

“Um, can someone please get me a tablet?”

Andy Reid: This is really nice.
Assistant Coach: Yeah, check out the formation.
Reid: What’s this?
Assistant: The... clock in the corner?
Reid: Yeah, it keeps counting down.
Assistant: That’s the game clock.
Reid: How do we stop it?
Assistant: [stares]
Reid: [stares]
Assistant: ...you call timeout.
Reid: [looks for pause button]

You heard it here first, folks. Dexter Fowler will get 13 hits this year.

Yeah, I know Gruden’s a chode and King is one of those rare awesome and fun punters, and Gruden’s white and King is black, but it’s hard to really argue with this:

I hope Twitch doesn’t derail Simmons career as much as Hitch did to Fultz.

Delicious Peters and Miracle Crimes were both seeded way, WAY too low.


Jesus christ, you’re really going for it with this post. This is incredible. You make it sound in the headline like they’re just chanting it for no reason, because you know “singing along to a song” makes it sound much less bad. Then, when we’re primed to feel bad, you post the sad, desperate text messages of some

Shows Mike right for talking to a woman without a Wingo man.

Eh, I guess I don’t miss Mike.

“You had trouble with Holm’s fighting style, was it alien to you?”
“Was it alien? What am I some kind of martian from another planet? Is that what you’re saying?”
“No, I just-”
“Like I’m some kinda space man who just comes down with the flashing lights and the (does Tones from Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and the

That is seriously is the worst wording of a line of questioning I have ever seen. Even worse than the wording of my prior sentence that I won’t go back and correct.

Holly Holm once knocked her into next week and she certainly doesn’t want to experience that again.

Lumpy Old Men