
I figure after last year, New England fans are probably about as insufferable as they’re going to get, whereas Philadelphia still has a ceiling they haven’t yet hit. Which is why it hurts me to say, but I gotta pull for the Pats.

If I was in a room with a Pats fan & an Eagles fan, and I had a gun with just one bullet, and I had to decide...

It’s the matchup that Trump’s America deserves.

Don’t worry, there’s a 100% chance Elway throws a dump truck full of money at Foles this off season.


I hope Donovan McNabb pukes again.


Bills fan, eh?


Guys if you need me I’ll be outside lighting myself on fire.

No way! I use it on Grindr. What are the odds?

Pats vs Eagles again. Couldn’t have happened to nicer fan bases.

Grease Pole Conquered is my D&D Character Name.

Me and every other Vikings fan

When he woke up, he was in Hogwarts.

Vikings should sign that concrete post. It’s shown it can stop guys in Eagles jerseys

If they had greased that pole, he would have slipped by it.

You see, the crease is lava. And you can’t be in the lava with the ball or you catch on fire. You can be in the lava accidentally without the ball, but you have to leave immediately.

Just here for the comments:

That is an excellent point. Going into this game I’m sure the New England Patriots were going to give it maybe 75%. I mean there’s a lot of pressure to win, and Belichick runs a pretty tight ship, but it gets cold sometimes and it’s late in the year, and I would be willing to bet they just aren’t properly motivated.