
Fuck Yeah!

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

What did all those generations of American soldiers die for since 1776 if not for a rigid suppression of dissent and absolute loyalty of all citizens to federal power?

Can’t say I didn’t see that coming.

RIP Football, burn in hell Roger Goodell.

Boats are the cars of the sea

.97 per team.

Just wanted to get down here before the “there’s 30 black players in the NHL!?” comments

I’ll never put my hands on anybody.

He said he’s now open to trying new things he’s never experienced before. Like pussy.

Hey, at least I’m not subjecting people to a twelve minute YouTube video. I hear that’s a criminal offense in most states.

Any different than a self-important dingus who spends all day making snarky comments on Deadspin?

“Raymond Perez Jr., is not your average Raiders fan.”

Considering 95% of his salary is signing and roster bonuses, his game check is $179.87 after taxes.

“Hey, did you come across a disabled woman out there?”

Thanks, but the last time I tried to chat up a random sixteen year old online it started this WHOLE BIG THING.

“I don’t know of anyone who would have the patience to stick with my slow pace.”

Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices

I’d also be embarrassed as shit if Curt Schilling agreed with something I did.

Ending his Facebook post with “Yes I said it” not only showed how strong Smith’s convictions were, it also proved that he has to sound out everything he writes.