are you kidding?! you think i’ll buy some piece of shit that wasnt forged in flames?! everything in my house, EVERYTHING, was forged in flames!!!! EVEN THE ICE CUBES!!!
are you kidding?! you think i’ll buy some piece of shit that wasnt forged in flames?! everything in my house, EVERYTHING, was forged in flames!!!! EVEN THE ICE CUBES!!!
That old Chinese lady part would make an awesome ad.
Donald Glover? Pffft... He should be played by Danny Glover!
I’ve never had a razer mouse that didn’t fall apart within a year of me buying it. I’ve had a… for about 6 months now and spent about 15$ on it. I love it.
the only Razer product I’ve ever had a good experience with is the Nostromo and it isn’t even really a Razer product. I bought a Razer Onza and all of the analog components eventually just stopped working.
My first Razer Mamba fell apart after 2 months. The side grips were cheaply glued. I dont like Razer products.. they are kinda shoddy. I’d recommend a Logitech G502 over this doo doo here lol.
And this comment pretty much defines trolls to me. They don't understand Nintendo's appeal, sling mud at others who do, and also think they're always right. Oh the irony.
Right. But if you research on this article properly, like you should, you’d knew that’s a Nova skin and not an Amazon hero. Also, it’s treasure goblin.
Exactly, I have no idea why everyone went crazy over Sony yesterday. Outside of a couple of games everthing eles was either on PC or multi platform.
I’m an old generation gamer i was 6 when I got the NES in 86’, back then I would have dreams about what video games would look like in the future and you know what? The FALLOUT4 trailer didn’t disappoint. You kids these days and I do mean KIDS because you need to have grown up in the 8-bit era to truly appreciate what…
I once made the mistake of chastising my wife for buying the Sparkle Pony while we were both playing WoW. She simply calmly looked at me and said
It’s a familiar platform, but it’s probably the worst platform to develop games on right now. There is a very slow and fat OS between the game and the user and right now the NDK tools are terrible.
“Definitely, those days seemed like end times, but honestly, any word that started with ‘F’ would’ve been fine.”
Never forget.
Here is the #1 tip. MOBAs are about O B J E C T I V E S. You do not win a game by getting the best k/d ratio. It is I R R E L E V A N T.
I’ve only been playing a few weeks:
LoL too. It's for the best. Mobas are shit communities and you only did yourself a favor.
All I can say is: the removal of the cigar doesn’t bode well for diehard StarCraft fans curious about giving Heroes of the Storm a try.
I got it too. I also can’t wait until I get it! I don’t want to be the douchebag that’s constantanly looking down at his phone all day like a fucking asshole.