Correction. MS Paint, the ONLY app I use to edit images.
This is great. I’m gonna soak the bottom of my net in piss and setup a camera and just wait. Make sure you throw it down hard and get it all over ya face!
Hmm. So I used to drink at least 2 Mt. Dews a day, sometimes more. I weighed about 260 lbs. One day I woke up and realized this was a bad habit. I completely cut out Mt. Dew and switched to Diet Mt. Dew. It was a tough switch but I have not had a regular Mt. Dew since. I lost 20 lbs in about 3 months and that…
But wait, did I turn the stove on after I took that picture?! Ahhhhhhh!
How do I fight back against womanbaggers. That’s when ladies think the seat next to them is for their purse or shopping bag. Is that any different?
Yup, this guy acts exactly like a hard left liberal.
I suggest, much like we figured out tabs vs. spaces, is see who makes the most money between gif vs jif users. Because as we all know, money solves all arguments. Also, it’s gif because if you have to write jif just to show an alternate pronunciation, then I’ll pronounce it the ways it’s spelled....gif.
Fact, women with small feet cause more damage to greens than golf carts. Surface area to weight ratio or some shit, I don’t know, I work in retail. I’m actually surprised Trump didn’t pull out that nugget of info for the camera.
And parked in a handicap space, which is where the majority of a holes and soccer moms will park this thing.
I can’t help but think if he would have turned hard to the right if he would have come back down on all four wheels. It looks like the collision puts him on his right two wheels for a significant amount of time. And possibly he turned, or the collision forced the wheels, to the left so they catch and he flips. …
So if someone disagrees with you you delete their comment? Where’s the tolerance in that?
Some of the most racist people in America are liberals, it’s nice to finally see someone pointing that out.
I have had Sprint for 20 years and it’s worked just fine and has always been the cheapest option for my family. I’m now on their Samson Galaxy Forever plan and I get a new phone ever year and unlimited data for $55 a month. This phone pulls down 30+ Mbps consistently and many times even faster. Why does Sprint get…
This is a trick question because a crazy bleeding heart liberal will spew their politics into your face before the date even starts, giving a normal person the cue to just leave, or starting a match made in hell.
Damn goons!
If you are turning left and sitting in the intersection waiting for traffic, do not turn your wheels to the left or even start to turn a little bit, stay complete straight and pointed at the turn signal. Then, if you get hit from behind you’ll be propelled forward instead of into oncoming traffic. Only start to…
I thoroughly enjoy seeing these a holes drivers drive by a hole protesters and shoot a hot load of coal in their faces.
Quitting drinking completely was the best decision I’ve ever made. And one thing I know for a fact is alcohol kills too many. It is not good for you. The supposed benefits to the heart are outweighed by too many other health risks. And now, those heart studies are being debunked because they now have data on actual…