
I was able to lose 30 lbs with intermittent fasting and moderate exercise. I was a 255 lb male and now I weigh 225. I joined my kids’ taekwondo classes and did that for a hour, once or twice a week. That was really my only cardio exercise, but it was pretty intense. I would also do 50 situps and 50 pushups a day.

So what’s the difference between eating these everyday or drinking everyday. Not talking about health issues and what it does to your body. I’m talking about what it does to a family. What it does to a relationship. What it does to your ability to function properly. Do your job. Interact with people. There are

Wow, this has to be some sort of record for posts about racism on a pizza article. Do I get some sort of badge for this? :) As one commenter pointed out, jip is the Irish term for jizz, and it’s also the secret topping you get on every Pizza Hut pizza. It’s also the only one they don’t skimp on. Oh wait, is the

My humps... my lovely bumper lumps...check it out

Why would the cops tell you what his BAC level was? Why didn’t you protest? Sorry, I’ve seen enough sensationalized BS stories on the internet just made up so they can prove a point that my blood pressure has skyrocketed with all the grains of salt I ingest.

Here’s the thing. It’s easy to look at this and say ‘omg, don’t drive drunk, you stupid asshole.’ But let’s be honest here. Drinking takes away your ability to make good decisions. It’s just a proven fact. Some people make tiny bad decisions (eating 10 tacos), and some make large bad decisions (getting behind the

If you have that many reasons, then I thank God you don’t have kids, because you would be a terrible parent.

My 6 year old deleted our save file for Lego City on Wii U. We were about 85% finished. I don’t know if you have played that game, but it’s by far the most tasking Lego game when it comes to getting 100%. I literally felt sick. I still get anxious whenever I think about it. We had worked so hard. After that

Here’s what’s bullshit about pizza places. Pizza Hut is terrible with this. If I order just a plain pepperoni pizza, it has quite a bit of pepperoni on it. But if I add a topping, like sausage, then they don’t put on nearly as much pepperoni. If you get the meat lovers, there’s hardly any. So not only do they get that

I eventually found another job after being told that the most I would earn was still $7,000 less than a guy with the same title because of my salary history

WHAT!? So this terrible mom WON’T buy him a Nintendo switch? Shame! There are so many for sale out there for the low price $500. That’s only a 66.666(repeating of course)% markup! That’s a small price to pay for the love of your child. This mom needs to hurry over to eBay while the firesale on marked up Switches

My 2004 Lexus GX470 has the starter nestled deep inside, between the cylinders, under the manifold. Much like you mentioned with the LS. It must be a Toyota thing. Luckily, those starters are solid. Although now that I just wrote that my car won’t start tomorrow.

oh wow, see my post, we had a ‘chubby chihuahua’ too and a very similar situation. His name was Jake and he was a 12 pound short-hair fawn colored. Miss him every day. He made it to 14 but his mouth cancer was too much for him. Sorry for your loss. We’re planning on getting another dog soon and I’m not sure if

So sorry for your loss. I know this is hard. I had to put down our Chihuahua about a year and a half ago. I wish I could have had the vet come to our house to do it, because our dog got so anxious when he would get close to the vet. One morning we woke up and his mouth tumor had ruptured and there was nothing else

Popcorn not recommended? Hmm, I fed my dog popcorn for 14 years every time I had it, at least 10 popped kernels each time. I wonder if this is because it could be a choking hazard, or perhaps the butter and different seasoning types.

The best part of this article, Baylor loses to Iowa State. Go Cyclones!

Oh how I miss my grey (same color as your pic) 2003 IS. Sure it was an automatic, but I got to pretend a little with the +/- shift buttons on the steering wheel. And then that day came in 2010 where I traded it in for a frickin’ minivan (damn kids). Here’s a picture of me in my standard Dad attire with the title

Another thing I should mention, don’t expect much expert tax help if you have issues. I had a problem with how they did the child care tax credit. I was able to work around it but they had no idea about an IRS rule that allows me to claim two kids even though I only paid care for one. All the other tax prep sites

Liberty Tax DIY is completely free and it matched HRBlock, TurboTax, and TaxAct numbers. My tax situation was a bit complicated too with capital gains loses and miscellaneous income from another state. Because of those situations the cheapest I could have gotten from the other three sites was $79.99. I didn’t

Ha, so he played zero defense and hung out by the basket, never getting tired and relying on full court passes from his teammates. Makes for a fun high school game I guess. This type of play would get destroyed against any real team in college. Good luck, buddy.