
This shit is some bullshit. Why can't I stop watching it

What the fuck was that? A record of Rheagar and Elia's annulment has been sitting in Oldtown for like 25 years? Like, six men are going beyond the Wall with no backup to capture a motherfucking wight for Cersei?! What the fuck happened to this show?

Jungleland is correct, Joe; calm the fuck down.

Oh, the comedy genius with the disturbing politician performance-art act? He's amazing, so meta, so innovative. Truly groundbreaking work he's doing.

Yeah, but, like, how much time? Do we have enough time to wait that out? The answer to that is genuinely uncertain. His administration could escalate just a little too much with North Korea at any time. We don't know exactly where the line is that could convince the Kim regime that they're against a wall.

Naah. I just watched Jackie Brown again a couple nights ago. It's superb.

Here we go with this shit again

That assessment is correct, but it applies to all nations, even as a matter of pure statistics. How you feel about North Korea really has nothing to do with it.

And it also wouldn't un-destroy North Korea in response. He will not escalate on his own—not without the excuse of a threat from us first, like, say, our President irresponsibly promising that we'd rain "fire and fury" on them—because he knows, rationally, that all the power he has worked to gain will be turned into a

He's an absolute monarch in all but name; of course he has people murdered. Representative democracies, with their multiple branches of government and complex institutions whose interests are carefully balanced against each other, afford their leaders the luxury of peaceful brokerage and compromise with those who are

North Korea can and has found other ways to raise cash, most of them gross violations of international law and convention. The reason Iran agreed to that deal was that its control over certain crucial land and maritime trading routes provided them the leverage they needed to negotiate and then to remain secure after

North Korea really, really doesn't want war. They just want a credible means of geopolitical security. As things have always stood, their only option there is to somehow obtain an ICBM. Meanwhile, the hawks in the upper echelon of our government (read: almost everyone in power right now) see this moment as the last

I was kind of hoping they wouldn't renew Ballers. That's my pearl of insight for today—admire it well.

Oh I thought that was him just being an edgelord

I thought he wanted to join the Army and then his parents got him an internship in Hollywood or some shit

If she marries him, she has the North without a fight, sooooo that's a start.

Her turning into a crazy piece of shit suddenly just doesn't make much sense. I don't even think these writers would get that stupid.

Aerys Targaryen

But he's actually from northern England, I thought.

Nephewfuck a window! Radio Raheem is dead!