
Good point.

You're accusing me of being disingenuous and malicious, which is unfair and unreasonable.

So feminism isn't the belief that women should be regarded as human? Regardless of the internal nuances and disagreements? Because it sounds like your last sentence agrees with that. I'm sincere in my curiosity here.

I already said men can support what feminism espouses. That is to say, women are people. Again, read what the fuck I said.

Way to engage with what I said.

As a man, I don't really think we can be feminists. We can believe in the idea that women should be treated like people, but we can't be feminists, because what women endure in regards to their rights is by-and-large outside of men's experience. I'm approaching this as a black guy knowing that black-rights movements

I agree.

My hangup is that after the show allows them to pull off the laughably improbable task
of capturing a wight, I'm supposed to believe Cersei or anyone is going to let a ragtag band of notorious rebels and outlaws drag an actual zombie into the capital.

Jesus fuck

Too bad she's emotionless now. I mean, she's not emotionless like Bran; she still has hatred and suspicion, but that's about it.

Wake me up when some Republican congressmen sponsor articles of impeachment.

Couldn't have said it better myself, man. Brilliant comment.

I wholeheartedly respect the content of your comment; and also,

This scene was not earned and it continues to look ridiculous every time I see it.

I honestly wonder what the hell he'll do with his mess of a plot if he ever finishes. He kind of has to rule out everything that's happened over the last couple seasons as any kind of possibility, which seems even more daunting.

Oh great; we're gonna have to watch Arya stupidly accuse Sansa of treachery now. Goddamn it.

Which, given the writing the last couple seasons, is anyone's guess

He clearly saw her when he was leaving that room.

The only reason I gave a fuck was that Dickon was an okay dude

What the fuck did that goddamn annoying chicken-scratch say in that note, by the way