
"Bend the knee, okay, Jon? Just swallow your pride."

I wouldn't give the show that much credit for characterization at this point.

I think you're off base here. This is a story about the coming of the apocalypse and humanity's inherent inability to comprehend such a thing. It's about how the world is a fallen one in the theological sense and how humanity wants something better out of the whole ordeal anyway, and that for that reason alone, none

This sums up my thoughts on this episode pretty well. Guess I won't need to spend all week chatting with people in this comment thread. Fuck, I'm already starting to do that aren't I

More like nobody gave a fuck about it.

All in service of making its eventual optimism feel earned and cathartic.

Mutt dented my shoes


Is that what his comment said?

He'll strangle her as she blows up King's Landing with wildfire, I think.

"Damn, for real?! What the fuck is going on up there?"

Well, I'm not saying there aren't villains, but if you examine them you realize they just embody the opposite of that theme. Euron Greyjoy and Littlefinger are two of a handful of the real capital-V-villains in my opinion because they're agents of pure chaos.

No the episode was entertaining. I'm just complaining about the tone.

You know, I've been complaining about this since like season 3, but I'll say it again. This is a glib, nasty show. It missed the point of the source material. The story's point as written by GRRM is that underlying all the murder and mayhem and soldiers duking it out in the muck is a simple striving for peace and for

"hauls down $100K+ a year from SAG pension fund"

Keep that motherfucker here

Hell yes.

I don't even know where to start with this. First, I and others who believe what I do, aren't anti-corporate, we're anti-corporatocracy. I'm all for people having the opportunity to get rich and people who are rich getting to be rich as long as they don't then get to buy politicians to tell them what laws to sign off

Have to disagree there. To me it feels like I'm reading new eps of ATLA written by Gene Yang, which is undeniably awesome.

We have a bloated, overstretched military, a failing public education system, a crumbling domestic infrastructure, and a legislature that's almost entirely bought out by corporate interests. Yes.