
"The partisan flames," huh. You think that's what this situation is about? Take a lesson from John McCain. He doesn't give a fuck about bipartisan peace. The supposed enmity between the parties is basically a show. He, like most of Congress, is here to serve his corporate campaign donors. If that means making it

This country is a declining empire and its rulers are dangerously amoral cowards who don't care about seeing our lives ruined.

Dude is hard on the fearful moms and dads in this one, huh? Yeah, they're being creepy, but they're fearful and they love their kids. Though I definitely agree that rock-hard stepdad needs to set some boundaries for himself.

I also love when people are weirded out when they realize that most rappers haven't been actual gangsters or drug dealers but just regular people who grew up in working-class neighborhoods who got a scholarship to an art school.

Some ideologies have a solid foundation and some don't. It doesn't make sense to make fun of all of them. It's lazy and glib.

Seems kind of dumb.

Hot Pie: What happened to you, Arry?

Why did Nymeria go awaaaaaay I don't understand come back large pup

It is; you just have to have the balls to actually call out your opponent once and a while.

They've really written themselves into a corner here, haven't they? The squirming in the writer's room has never been more apparent. Lots of characters doing and saying contradictory shit and making artificially bad decisions and having out-of-nowhere feelings.

Look, as a fellow black dude, I'm sensitive to the racial implications of the trial and the insistence that he is definitely guilty and the police's tampering with the physical evidence. And while the evidence didn't convict him, his fame at this point is entirely defined by the allegation that he murdered two people

Makes sense though, if you read the dragons as an allegorical symbol of the complicated trappings of power. She would need to shed them to finally become the just, equitable ruler she claims to want to be.

The wight-Giant was Wun-Wun. The stuff about the right eye vs. the left eye is true, but it's clear that the show intended for that to be Wun-Wun—they just fucked up on the details, as they've been doing more and more lately.

Fair points all. But to make an equivalence between an institution of outright lifetime ownership of human beings and the globalized wage slavery of today is just slightly off base, don't you think. Your talking about differences in scale, complexity (both economic and social), and legal basis. The show would kind of

There is no slope. It's just a difference of opinion on the merits of a story idea.

Sean, you're a goddamn hero for writing this article. This fantasizing about the Confederacy in various forms has been one of my pet peeves for a long, long time.

Yeah, I think the scholar who wrote it just had a huge respect for Mongolian culture, so his bias shows through.

I think we can safely assume the book plot and show plot will not follow the same path at this point.

I don't remember if book- or show-Barristan ever told her that her dad was an evil, fire-obsessed lunatic in his later years?

how dumb