
His portion of ironborn somehow built that shit on the spot? The fuck?

Exactly; that "two good hands" bullshit, standing there in his dingy-ass blue clothing talking about how cool it was watching his kinsmen get killed by Jamie 20 years ago, was the definition of weak and lame.

I don't know if I've ever expected Dany to go mad so much as enjoy having the power to enact indiscriminate revenge too much. Whether she realizes it or not, she's already done so, over and over again, which is why I feel like show-Dany has gotten stale as a character. Now, book-Dany, she's far more dynamic and her

It's been so long since she compiled the list that I don't remember why she put a few of them on the list. Like, why the fuck should Beric and Thoros be there?

Oh, also, the Archmaester's conversation with Samwell was great dialogue; even though he came to the wrong conclusion, it is incredibly refreshing to see someone cleanly apply logic to the situation, especially when it comes to the Others.

Reading Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World for some novel research, and Mat Johnson's Pym for fun, which is one of the most brilliant and funniest things I've read in a while. It's like the guy wrote a novel just for me.

How was Mona Lisa Overdrive? I've been trying to go deeper than Neuromancer with Gibson for years, but I haven't had any luck.

I've tried Crime and Punishment several times. Can't do it.

The ironic parallelism between the North's internal politics and those at King's Landing was an interesting theme. Too bad all the best King's Landing characters are dead. I really, really miss Margery.

But that 7% gap represents some pretty egregious votes on Hillary's part.

He was probably one of the most artificially built-up and preserved villains in TV history. And the Sansa rape thing, ew fuck. Was that last season? This show's been in danger of outright suckage for like two years now.

Here's where we'll have to agree to disagree—I don't have the energy

I mean, I agree, but I just didn't like her because she was what we would have called a "moderate Republican" back in the day. Our choice was between a conservative and a blatantly corrupt right-wing demagogue, which is a no-brainer, but I was angry that the American people had been duped into two shitty options on a

That might actually be real soon, what the fuck is going on

The first one—not that I like Trump, since I guess everyone thinks disliking Hillary is liking Trump.

That actually made me uncomfortable even in the context of that movie's campiness. Everything he's done since Kill Bill is diminishing returns for me.

Yeah I don't really give a fuck. Everything you said is self-righteous, hypocritical bullshit, not the least instance of which is that irrelevant ANECDOTE about your parents.

Fuck all that. Patton is qualified to do what he wants, and other widows and widowers for whom their decisions similar to the one Patton and his new fiancee have recently made turn out to be a mistake are also qualified to explain that they made a mistake and warn him that it indeed could go worse than he thinks.

They'd see through that pretty quick.

Cruise triple tapping the club owner with the suppressed pistol suddenly and then nobody noticing that the guy isn't just passed out drunk at the table freaked me the fuck out when I first saw it.