
Totally; the #resistance has mostly been a weak, out-of-touch, off-base joke. I don't know if you're aware of these grassroots movements?

Not sure how sincere or hostile you're being. All I'm saying is I agree with you on the idea that austerity-peddling conservatives and gun-peddling imperialists don't deserve the respectability and credibility they are given for reasons closely tied to my identity.

As a black American, I find this comment to be extremely cathartic.

Which is wiser and more difficult than colonizing.

Where in the fuck is Persona 5?!

They conquered the entire Russian landmass. No one else has ever pulled that off. It's fucking incredible.

The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous land empire ever. It is much harder to "nation-build" contiguously than to colonize.

Spawn?! Who the fuck is going to watch that piece of shit?

Anybody here gonna make a strained Hirohito joke? I'm not clever enough.

I don't understand the logic behind this ethic.

When Bill goes after Muslims and Islam, though, the way he does so implies that Muslims are just sort of worse people than the rest of us and that the religion makes them that way and that that just can't be helped or mitigated. He certainly doesn't critique any Islamic doctrine with any level of nuance or

Yeah, being physically handicapped and a nerd, regular people don't tend to see me as a sexual being. I was a virgin till I was 26. Sex workers are heroes.

Well, most people buy sex workers services for their own pleasure. I personally let them know before the transaction that what I'm buying is the chance to pleasure them; whether I succeed or fail at that should be left up to me. I'm paying for the chance to become a regular customer that they like and want to work

If you do your homework beforehand and carefully discuss at length what the sex worker's boundaries are, pay them their asking price, and treat them with respect, it is possible to have a genuine, mutually pleasurable time with them.

I've never understood why people don't believe sexual assault victims. Like, I literally can't wrap my head around it. Seriously, what makes a person automatically assume the victim is…lying, I guess? I truly, fundamentally can't grasp it.

Why doesn't Piers Morgan visit the victims?

Good to see you and your folks safe, man.

We can do worse. The current reality is a worst-case scenario made real; let's not top it.

Damn right. Never been back.

As a NoC I've always just had one question to pose in opposition to the mytho-historical argument for lack of diversity, though: If a given fantasy universe can have dragons and magic in it and be believable, how should the presence of a black person break immersion?