
But that's what I was saying with the Axis analogy. They didn't really show contrition in the aftermath of the war either, and the good guys enacted justice where they could, but ultimately the need to cobble the world back together proved a little more important than getting satisfaction. I think after Trump leaves

The garinafins of the second Dandelion Dynasty book are the coolest incarnation of dragon this side of Drogon.

I agree with the sentiment, they have put us all in danger with this guy, but we're going to have to forgive them something at some point. Even the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese eventually had their surrenders accepted.

You don't understand correctly; I am asserting at least implicitly that evidence of corruption in Arab governments should have been more carefully disseminated to the public. The way Edward Snowden blew the whistle on deep-state mass surveillance is a good example of the right way to do this kind of thing.

I certainly don't expect him to resign; he's too vain and hardheaded for that. I waver back and forth about whether the current Congress will find the balls to impeach him. I also don't expect him to die in office because people in his position have access to amazing healthcare so that they can eat and drink like shit

No, I'm saying Assange and Wikileaks leaked all those cables to any and everybody without the slightest forethought to what the vast geopolitical implications were or what the society-changing consequences might be. Who would suffer and die in the fallout? How might the whole reaction to this exposure play out? They

For the love of fucking God, let this be the thing that boxes Congress into impeaching him, please. I'm so tired of being gaslit.

Hey guys, Donald Trump just publicly fired James Comey. Let's talk about that instead.

Yeah and then it devolved into chaotic power struggles and/or violent crackdowns after two seconds. Have you not followed the news since 2010?

People seem to forget that he and Wikileaks seem to have been at least partially responsible for the Arab Spring, which largely only managed to set the Middle East and North Africa aflame. That's one thing.

Jeez, nostalgia ova heah

Anybody else find this video essayist kind of pretentious? I agree with the content, but the slow, significant narration feels pretty forced, for one thing.

For me it's definitely a toss-up between Jackie Brown and Kill Bill 1.

This bicameral mind thing sounds pretty ridiculous and like the product of faulty assumptions about the nature of progress.

The fuck? In early 2009 his party had a super-majority in Congress. He had the votes to pass virtually anything. Instead, he worried about what the Republicans would think if he tried.

I know, right? If most of the shit he pushed in office was his life's work maybe he should have built it on something other than fucking sand.

Too bad the Democrats aren't going to have the balls to put those ads together because they have to "go high" or some fucking bullshit.

My sincere thanks.

Oh, you're right. Others in the world are doing fucked-up shit, too. Guess I better shut up about this instance. Or I could wonder why you'd rather deflect to that other fucked-up shit instead of acknowledging that on this particular matter your position is just obtuse.

Actually you mean all those places on UN-recognized Palestinian land that are Israeli-only which are silently allowed by the Israeli government in direct contravention of international agreement.