
Who says an Israeli can't be angry about or ashamed of their government's apartheid practices?

Except for that whole apartheid thing they're doing.

I've been trying to become one of these for like two years. Where do I start? How do I prove to an employer I'm competent? They all say they want someone with experience, but that's the catch-22 I'm stuck in.

And Milo! Don't forget Milo.

MiB II was pretty goddamn lazy. What's even more infuriating is that it just casually tosses out the sequel we had in our heads after we saw the end of the first one. Linda Fiorentino and Will Smith would have been a fun partnership given how their characters had developed.

Oh, he's dinner, all right.

Indeed, and just as the foundations collapse.

See, this is what I'm talking about. You're presuming you know something about me because of this. I'm not a fucking idiot—when something's not plausible, I dismiss it. I don't go around believing Obama's a Kenyan Muslim socialist (you can back up that he's American, by the way) or that Hillary…wants to pimp and kill

I was hoping he'd talk about that :(

Do I need a self-righteous lecture about how to express a knee-jerk opinion? No. I was open to other perspectives on it and am willing to admit when I'm wrong. I was wrong. So calm the fuck down. It's not my fault the rumor was disturbing as hell.

Well, thanks for the link. It eased my fears greatly.

What facts am I missing? I'm being sincere here. I mean, I know the rumor's unsubstantiated, but it's disturbing enough to fuck up my perception of the guy. The Bill Cosby allegations were bullshit rumors for decades before that 2005 deposition and all those women came forward.

Isn't this the guy I used to be a huge fan of before I learned that he might be habitually trapping women in hotel rooms with him in order to jack off in front of them?

Which made the whole thing even edgier and cooler to be a part of, if my school was typical.

I was around ten at the height of the Pokemon craze in the US. I remember my mom being extra paranoid about this happening to me and to this day I still haven't quite shaken off the very vague anxiety that I'm going to seize up if I play a portable videogame for too long. I remember being doggedly determined to power

It already has been.

Getting a little tired of the universe randomly fucking people over. We should all be immortal.

Guess I'm never finishing Angel.

I spent the first two games watching my Shep's platonic relationship with Tali grow closer and turn into romance behind Liara's back before I lost Tali at the end of 2

She's the classy, straight-faced bookworm with a horny streak that many nerdy folks find ideal.