
Someone give this woman a better job than she had before.

It would hurt their ability to continue the New Jim Crow. Come on, fellow black man, you know this

This shit's moving too slow. Let's get this shitshow of a government underway; this way the idiots who think Trump and his billionaire friends give a fuck about them'll hopefully realize they've been duped as soon as possible so America can move on with a minimum of damage done to our republic, maybe.

I know, right?! I don't see nobody on the right questioning Melania's provenance. She's the "wife" of the Dear Leader, I guess, so she's American automatically

That's a lot of money relative to you and me, but it's pennies on the dollar of its once billion-dollar valuation. The number's there to demonstrate how much the company's corpse had rotted.

Good points all and verily taken.

Nixon's in there too—37 years is the ballpark. What I mean specifically is that every administration and most sessions of Congress since around then have been diluted by ties to corporate interests. So, given that, my fight entails participating directly or indirectly in the following: Advocating for a convention of

Why not? Constitutional guarantees aren't grants of positive rights to a specific citizenry; it's our particular government saying unequivocally, "We won't cross any of these lines under any circumstances—no debate." That includes killing alleged criminals without due process and effectively issuing attainder of blood

Advocate for a convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution to pass an Amendment to ban private donations to political campaigns; fight in court to overturn Citizens United v. FEC; advocate for open and neutral information-tech platforms and subversion of mass surveillance, and be prepared to argue

Fuck you.

I guess that should make me nostalgic for the quiet erosion of my faith in government institutions over the last eight? What we're seeing now is just the last 37 years of corpratocracy taken to their logical conclusion. It's time to fucking fight now. It's time to stop with this incurious, glib bullshit about the

Let's just gloss over the guy's valid point about real extralegal killing. I mean, I wasn't expecting a pony or anything, but I wasn't expecting the supposedly liberal fellow black guy I elected to be my president to quietly subvert my First and Fourth Amendment rights, either.

What the fuck are these comments lately? Who are you people? What happened to people coming here with something to say?

Have you no soul, hip-hop head? Have you no soul?

We thank him and all his buddies for their sacrifice.

That your grandpa survived being a tail-gunner automatically makes him a fucking badass

fuck that was sickening

'member when Carrie repeatedly fucked that Pakistani kid all season and then his uncle shot him in the face

With increasingly cartoonish characterization and totally inconsistent plotting, themes, and politics? Oh yeah, it's not at all frustrating for a show to constantly start exploring the hypocrisy of America's deep state and foreign policy before invariably cowering away from the hardest truths at the last minute and

The biggest crying shame about it is the first season still holds up beautifully. Looking back, it was actually too good: there's no way the writers didn't spend all their creative capital then and there.