
I thought this piece of shit got cancelled

Wait, so this whole time he's been gone because he didn't want to finish a fucking 90-day stint? That's it?! For raping an underage girl?! Jesus fuck, what is wrong with the world?

My problem with him is I feel like he's always been too conservative.

Boy I love this constant, horrifying recontextualization of pop-culture I used to enjoy. Yay, we watched a rape happen and the perpetrators got away with it EVEN THOUGH WE ALL SAW IT. Marlon Brando?! Fuuuuucccckkkk!

Tell you what: explain to us what we're missing about Mike Pence that makes him such a great guy and if you can convince us, we'll lay off.

Most of us libs don't actually subscribe to that weak-ass rhetoric, believe it or not. Can't really make us eat words that aren't ours.

The show tried to act like their evolutionary legacy was borne out into the collective memory of humankind or whatever, but I didn't buy that either. We're talking, like, a handful of people just showing up out of nowhere and—as you said—realistically dying within a year thousands of generations ago.

If the year is fucking you, you find a way to fuck it back. This is Baltimore, gentlemen; the year will not save you.

God, Tom Zarek was such an annoying character too. Just a transparent lefty-demagogue stereotype from his first appearance.

Battlestar Galactica, as much as that show helped shape who I am; and the reason is definitely obnoxiously weasely Gaius Baltar and his eternally annoying hallucinatory girlfriend whose existence was never satisfactorily explained.

I know; it fucking sickens me every time I think about it. I was outraged when I first learned of it.

Oh, totally, dude.

Not to mention medical experimentation on live prisoners that's at least as horrible sounding as that of Nazi scientists.

Citadel DLC was great; it sports some of the best comedic and character writing in the whole series, as well as some of the best directed cut-scenes and voice work. But I found it a bit jarring to have a hilarious romp with my friends while on leave and then abruptly have to get back to the grim business of waging war

Remember, remember the pith of november

Here's a question: how the fuck do you actually delete your account? I mean actually delete it, as in cause it to cease to exist? Facebook makes it pretty easy to deactivate it, but difficult to do any more than that.

I was a Bernie supporter and I didn't vote for Trump. I'll be proud of those two things till my dying day.

Look, each of us thinks the other helped fuck things up. Whatever the truth is, we are both liberals and we do have to stand together against what's coming, for the sake of humanity. I don't have to tell you. Maybe I should have voted for Hillary in the red state I live in. If I had been in a swing state, I would

Actually, I did vote for Bernie during the primary because he was a better candidate than anyone else, which I would say was a pretty responsible use of my vote. It was the likes of you who sat around apathetically putting forward your glib arguments as to why nobody should vote for him and why we should settle for

Actually, I did vote for Bernie during the primary because he was a better candidate than anyone else, which I would say was a pretty responsible use of my vote. It was the likes of you who sat around apathetically putting forward your glib arguments as to why nobody should vote for him and why we should settle for