
Actually, I did vote for Bernie during the primary because he was a better candidate than anyone else, which I would say was a pretty responsible use of my vote. It was the likes of you who sat around apathetically putting forward your glib arguments as to why nobody should vote for him and why we should settle for

That's a bunch of bullshit. She completely ignored us.

But the initial failure to attempt to appeal lies with the candidates themselves.

I don't think that. I told you why I did what I did; either respond to my actual words or shut the fuck up.

Bullshit; I didn't vote for him. Besides, she won the popular vote anyway.

Thank you, I definitely need to hear another guy who's supposed to be on my political team turn on me for his gal's loss when I simply exercised my right as an American citizen to do what I wanted with my fucking vote—which people literally gave their lives for me to have—and should thus be sacrosanct from the

Thank you. Jesus Christ, people's pessimism about this shit has been killing me all day and straining my determination to stay positive. It's nice to finally hear another voice echoing what I've been trying to tell myself.

I didn't say that. I said Hillary is responsible for her own failure to win.

"I'm gonna bring back torture, even if it doesn't work." —Trump during his campaign.

It was her responsibility as a candidate for president to convince enough people to vote for her. She failed to do that; therefore, she lost.

Damn, I was kind of hoping for a serious answer to that question

Bernie had the undying support of demos in the liberal base that Hillary just snubbed. You can see it in the numbers and the way they ran their respective campaigns. The polls showed that if Bernie had run against Trump, it would have been a landslide for Bernie. Bernie was the populist, and Trump the demagogue.

*sigh* I guess the dumbass term "Bernie-bro" stuck.

I'm starting to think Dave has developed a pathology of self-sabotage when it comes to coming out in public. Like, maybe he's scared to be back out in the limelight and does shit like this to goad people into shunning him.

I don't even remember him in The Pacific or The Master

Rappers: I monkey-flip 'em with the funky rhythm
I be kickin; musician, inflictin' composition
Of pain—I'm like Scarface sniffing cocaine, holding an M-16
See, with the pen I'm extreme

Statistical odds do not represent the size of your base. She's still up significantly in the national average of polls.

Actually the FBI hasn't investigated his ties to Russia.

You can't enable the presidency of a guy who doesn't have enough of a voter base to win.

While Jill Stein is pretty much a complete non-starter as a presidential candidate, John Oliver's segment on her was pretty glib and dismissive. And weirdly aggressive in its harshness at this late date in the election cycle. As if he were worried that she'll steal enough of the vote so that Trump gets it—a pretty