
You actually use your Wii?

I think the movie's position is simply that WWII was tragically necessary, which is probably really the only defensible position to take.

I don't agree about the casting, but yeah. When I think about it, yeah.

What are your criticisms? Genuinely interested. I personally think it's a great adaptation of Seven Samurai.

"He speaks from the heart. He's not a politician."

I stumbled across it for the first time on TV at home when I was like 12 or something. I was transfixed by the feeling that I was witnessing actual battle footage. The journalistic quality of it is hugely impressive.

God, but I hate that stuff

Demarcus Johnson?

Incidentally, I can't get over the fact that James Ellroy is the author of the source material of one of my favorite ever movies while also being a racist right-wing nut

100% correct, you are.

What we today experience as racism is merely a pretext for an ancient tendency towards tribalism that has manifested since before the emergence of Homo sapiens. There is no "race," just an infinite number of phenotypical variations, along the lines of which we have managed to always divide ourselves against one

Okay, you got me. I kept wanting to add misogyny, but I felt I needed to be true to my own perspective, one in which I've had the privilege of not having to worry about it. Then I rationalized further by telling myself that issues of gender and sexuality didn't crop up as much in ancient times due to how hard it was

I don't think the point is really to rank them or get into some sort of pissing contest about them, but just to acknowledge the multitude of perspectives in which each strand means more or less depending on the individual.

Great questions.

Kind of surprised Yamete Onii-chan didn't already preempt you on this.

Boards of Canada.

I was thinking just these kind of thoughts during the whole foreign-policy part of the debate. Some old-ass Japanese politician who's been a stalwart for the LDP since 1954 screaming inside as Donald Trump casually tosses off some bullshit about giving Japan nukes and telling them they're on their own in the Pacific

Amen to that.

Damn straight.

I'm glad he got to see the end.