
Her actually loving hot sauce doesn't mean she wasn't pandering when on a black radio station she specifically lets the hosts know.

Well Hillary Clinton carries hot sauce in her purse in order to pander to us black people, so she should be able to handle spicy stuff.

Preach, anonymous gender-neutral sibling.

I think people keep saying she seems okay because they think she's hot. She's just as terrible as the rest of her family.

Actually, she has her dad's mouth, which is punchable enough.

Is it good, though? Is it coherent? Because I got the Books of Lost Tales years ago, and was bummed out to realize it was just a bunch of unfinished epic poems and dry lore about the elves. So that's why I never bought The Silmarillion.

That's pretty glib. So I guess the answers to your rhetorical questions are "I don't know" and "Yes," but what does that imply? What would it mean if I said I did know for certain where the plot lies and which events are relevant? The point is that the show doesn't know or give a damn.

"This is still required viewing for me but everything in my gut is saying this show has no fucking clue what it is doing."

That was just frustratingly cryptic, and not in an obviously good way. It was cheap, evasive filler. The only thing that could have been enlightening or plot-advancing or thematically resonant was the conversation between White Rose and Angela, but it was too vague for me to say for sure. And Eliot's dream felt like

Relative to the rest of itself the first season was mediocre to not good. But it started out beating most of TNG in quality and the Dominion War arc hasn't been bested in the entire franchise yet.

Probably the only thing that consistently annoys me about Mr. Robot.

I mean, we're all just speculating here, so you could definitely be right.

Yeah, totally. I mean, that fucker's basically an agent of Cthulu. Too bad we'll probably never get the rest of the thing.

Maybe that's what's killing his productivity. I'm an aspiring writer too, and as a procrastinator, I can say that if I were in his position, I'd conceivably feel an overwhelming sense of "fuck-it-ness" about the whole thing, especially given how much money I'd be sitting on despite my lack of continued effort.

I wish he'd just come out and say, "Fuck it, I'm not writing it anymore." I just need closure on this.

Holy shit, Rose McGowan and I are birthday buddies. Jesus H. Christ.

It's just that we finally get a story in which she is clearly, unequivocally being obnoxious and ridiculous. Usually there's always some joker around to come up with a glib postcolonial, postmodern intellectual defense for her. She even publicly apologized! We won this time!

Rich clueless white girls. Whattya gonna do.

She is, let's face it.

Oh come on, cut Cube some slack. It's not like he ever lied about the man.