
I don't agree with what you're saying about Weiss. We needed to know she had a moral compass. After the new suspect Box presented to her, she knew she was fighting to put an innocent kid away at that point.

I was also moved by "In Loving Memory of James Gandolfini"

Certainly. You said it better than I could. Just trying to express my profound ambivalence about this whole thing.

No Internet for Old Men

That was goddamn amazing.

That's… definitely fucked up. Look, I'm not saying the guy isn't a piece of shit. All I'm saying is that this whole thing is absolutely dense with sociohistorical racial subtext and that that subtext is an elephant in the room regardless.

Anybody feel kind of weird that the original Birth of a Nation perpetuated the racist myth of the uncontrollably rapey black man, and that now, as a black man tries to redo this movie a hundred years later in hopes of subverting such ugly sociohistorical discourse, he can't seem to escape allegations that he sexually

Very interesting bit of cultural context; thank you. I don't know how much it changes my opinion, though.

Is the relative lack of blood on Naz at the scene indeed a compelling thing for the defense to argue? As a legal layman I feel like it is.

I don't often look for direct symbolism in the entertainment I consume, but I definitely feel like the cat approximates Naz, subtextually.

I wish Chandra had spoken of the conversation she had with Naz right before he rejected the plea deal. Seems like that could put his mother's honestly disgusting doubts about her son to rest. I mean, come on, you gave birth to the boy. You raised him. Obviously you haven't been there every moment of his life, but come

Jesus fuck

So why does the movie end with him having a huge transcendent moment of genius under the leadership of his abusive former teacher?

So you're dead and in hell, is what you're saying

It's definitely the stepdad.

It's Kanno, what the fuck do you expect.

As much as I loved this show, it's a little late.

Motherfuck, Angela, just type 'up,' hit enter, and talk to FBI Girl. Why do we have to wait another week?!

Constantly needing to have six new Duracells on hand was so fucking annoying to me and my parents.

Exactly the same here. I didn't even realize what I was missing out on either, till the Game Boy Color came out and pre-adolescent-me all of a sudden had an incentive (the color graphics) to join the rest of the world and have a Game Boy.