
There were several egregious breaks in the chain of evidence, the most infamous of which was a lack of sufficient documentation of how much blood was collected from OJ by the LAPD or when it was entered into evidence, as well as that which was evidenced by testimony from specialists who were at the scene that they had

That is the consensus, but the consensus ignores how obvious it is that some of the blood evidence was planted.

Right there with you dude. Though I thought most of Ashcroft's solo stuff was some bullshit.

One of my all-time favorite albums. I've only met one person IRL who even likes it.

That's what I thought. It weirds me out that the show suddenly is playing up the possibility (which admittedly is real in theory) that Nas is the killer, because he feels as much like a red herring as every other person of interest does. In fact, what's killing me about this show so far is that, from a purely

+1 that someone other than I remembers and likes The Verve.

Can Adderall mixed with those other two plausibly lead to some sort of violent psychotic break?

The irony seems lost to her that if this situation were real she'd be doing exactly what she was shown to be doing in the show, even though the kid is innocent.

Shut the fuck up! The tubes have ears, asshole!

Their opinions don't matter either. It's all narrative. Even Naz doesn't know the truth of what happened really. Stone's analysis of the situation is dead-on. It's all about flexibility and the better story.

Fuck yeah. Finally someone says this. If I were Nas I would have done the same thing for no other reason than that. Is it idiotic in terms of the cold, hard, practical reality? Absolutely. But you're on your own in this world and you only live once. You can either fight for what you deserve or settle for what you can

Is that a real rule?

Touche like a motherfucker. Totally agree. I guess I was letting my political fervor get the best of me.

Neutrality is not objectivity.

W.E.B. Du Bois once said something like, "There is but one evil political party [in America], and it will always be elected, despite all I do or say." I agree with this when I notice both Ds and Rs using the same tactics and mechanics to suppress the vote of people who fall into demographics they don't like and

There's a difference between trying to empathize with and understand someone's behavior, and implying that despite that behavior, he seems like an okay guy.

Who gives a fuck about a bunch of excuses for his racism and hypotheticals about how he could have become a better person?

These five fingers go straight to the soul of man: the hand of love

They could try asking for a bunch of small-bill donations from a huge base of regular people. Bernie Sanders proved that it can work in theory. It's almost as if that were the whole point of his campaign. Hmm…..

The way you make it more efficient is through smart government regulation. One of the most basic and obvious examples of which is making it illegal for a given company to control so much of the market share that it edges out most or all competition. This is supposed to prevent the emergence of the aforementioned