
Given my very basic training in econ and biz admin, I'd say you're probably wrong. It'll probably surprise you to understand that the larger the conglomerate, the harder the time it has maintaining a profit margin. Most of the time, once a company has grown to monstrous size, it begins to exhibit an equally monstrous

I love how they never slash the cost of their own salaries

The writing was terrible this season, no getting around it. Terrible enough to distract from the cinematography and set and costume design. Terrible enough to hamper the talents of the great actors.

Have they?

When new technology affects an industry in such a way that the consumers change the way they consume the product, I'd argue that's the market speaking. In this case, the grey market, but still.

Yes, I think you're right. Is that problematic? I feel weird about it.

All the shouting of "Pay for your porn!" by porn people annoys the fuck out of me. The porn industry needs to realize that technology has progressed and that the market has spoken; so stop chastising your audience for not paying for your product when they factually don't have to. Instead, give them real incentives to

When that happens, I'm always like, "Damn, male performer, you just wasted like 8-10 seconds of my time with that shit"

I've never been able to quite explain that my favorite porn privileges the woman's pleasure and conscious choice to experience pleasure. People always think I'm white-knighting.

Getting real tired of the term "Bernie Bro." Is there really some frat boy out there who gives a fuck about Bernie Sanders? Does that image even make sense? Come on!

Weed and shrooms help, just saying.

And they were correct in doing so; not even Aubrey Plaza was enough to save that twee shit.

Not a real reason. I'm furious about Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, but this guy's response in Dallas was just embarrassing. It dishonors the entire black American community, and it dishonors their martyrdom especially.

As a black man I say that anyone is entitled to revenge a wrong, it's just that revenge is consequentially wrong.

@Chryso42:disqus And my sword.

Well he had a pretty memorable role on Penny Dreadful, so he can take comfort in that.

Everyone deserves a homeland free from persecution. Jewish people are not different than any other human in this respect.

Finally, someone else who likes it.


All right, you win, calm the fuck down