
People go see rom-coms with about as much forethought about who is in it as they do for effects-laden blockbusters. Nobody gives a fuck that Will Smith happened to be cast as the Magical Negro helping white folks find true love in these ones.

This actually doesn't counter Clever Username's general point though.

Amen, seriously.

WMD righchear rigchear

Oh, bullshit.

Too bad the show doesn't know how to exploit its increasingly rich storytelling opportunities.

How bout we just pretend the show isn't about to predictably dive headlong into that shit. I really, really don't want to see those two characters fuck.

Except for the whole Dany's-pissed-at-Tyrion's-fuckup crap at the beginning. Like, how the hell do you have the balls to be pissed about this situation? You weren't here! You flew away on your dragon because you couldn't handle being a ruler!

And yet the guy has a good point.

Hey, seriously, great conversation.

I like your optimism and with most of what you said, but the main thing mitigating the social progress of the black community in the South —which is indeed happening in the way you say it is— is the ongoing slow disappearance of the American middle class. This economic phenomenon is hitting the entire nation hard,

Leto, can you back up your claim?

Well I agree with you on that general point. But I actually don't think it'll be a clean break like with the Civil War, and I think it'll take a little longer than you do—maybe a couple or three generations. I feel like it'll be more like several factions with poorly defined geographies emerge to claim to be the

Didn't know that. That explains everything.

I have to call bullshit instinctively, you understand. This is the internet, after all.

who gives a fuck about that guy

As a black man living in the South, I have to say secession is not to be tolerated, and the growing sentiment on the internet I'm seeing among what I'm assuming are white progressive fellow millenials that the U.S. should allow Southern state governments to take a shot at their own countries because they're irritated

Yahtzee strikes me as a bitter, fearful, self-loathing asshole.


I'm a tad more conservative: I back a literalist interpretation of the Second Amendment, in which each state in the Union has the right to raise a state militia. But as far as regular people having access even to small arms for the ostensible purpose of self-defense, fuck that. It's part of the problem.