

Show-Blackfish was a dumb, hardheaded fuck who didn't even get the dignity of an onscreen death, so it should be a C, generously.

*yawn* More contrived bullshit.

But I thought Jaime gave his word that if the castle were rendered peacefully, the Tully forces would get safe passage north with Brienne?

Fuck yes

Don't know where to start with this one.

100% with ya there

Robb accepted responsibility for his actions and was trying to make it right. Frey murdered his liege lord because his feelings got hurt. He who pulls the trigger has done the crime, always.

Actually Robb died because he was lured into assassination under the false pretense of an ally's hospitality, but the show cares nothing for the books' thematics, so we didn't get to see Lord Frey straining to be polite and non-petty before the killing signal. So on TV it just looks like Robb was a fucking idiot who

Fuck no, to be quite honest. Margery Tyrell is still where it's at brah

Apparently nobody in the North likes the Starks anymore because they lost? That speech Lord Glover made just wasn't convincing. Robb died for you, you fucking moron. By your rationale, you should have turned your back on House Stark as soon as Ned was executed in King's Landing.

And Cersei didn't even come back with any glib, hateful bullshit!

The fuck? How the fuck am I supposed to know, based on my enjoyment of a given hour of television or a given few hundred pages of a novel, whether that story will eventually prove to have been well done or not? The shape of the future is unknowable, obviously. This is a smug, bullshit lecture.

"My kung-fu…is just no good."

Never teach the Wu-Tang!

"Goddamn, I'm so half-assed! I didn't think any of this through!"

Especially since Waif's inexplicable hatred of Arya is at odds with the Faceless Men's philosophy of existing without passion or identity. Perhaps Jaqen is doing some house cleaning.

So goddamn right on Dany. Plus, the show's clearly building up to some kind of thousand-ship spectacle, which I just can't take seriously since neither Euron nor Dany are in locations with the resources needed to build even one ship and the show has omitted Euron's ancient Hellhorn, his gold, and his exotic pirate

Oh, man, so fucking right