
There is something to be said for mytho-historical truth. Haley understood its power and deliberately employed it. It's what happens when you elevate a given historiography and its corresponding political discourse to high art. The only thing that ends up mattering in such contexts, as you gestured, is that what is

Hindsight is twenty-twenty.

My assumptions about him are different; namely, that he just wants to own all the best property in one way or another, but even then, doing that to her can't be seen as much different than a grave mistake on his part.

I've been wondering what the Shadow is for YEARS.

But Hodor didn't do it. Bran fucked his brain up and forced him to do it.

that would definitely be Ghost

Not really. If they created the Others, they probably know a little something about their weaknesses beyond obsidian and Valyrian steel. But they all checked out without saying a goddamn thing.

Where the fuck is Howland and why isn't he doing anything?

Probably that one, because this show loves to do that bullshit.

Shut the fuck up

Interesting. Makes a lot of sense. Let's hope you're right.

I just want some goddamn narrative progress instead of this cheap kill-a-Stark-for-emotional-impact business; it's getting old.

I'm more angry than sad. Bran fucked up so goddamn bad.

She really, really should have. And that's not even my hate speaking. Letting him live was just a dumb move.

The Children having created them was infuriating. They couldn't have mentioned they fucked up and caused this whole mess? Jesus.

Everyone's conveniently leaving out two things about that: Bernie supporters were angry because of the blatantly corrupt way the Nevada Democratic Convention was conducted right in front of them in real time; and, there is no evidence of violence from Bernie supporters at that convention.

I wouldn't exactly call the Wall Street Journal a bastion of factual reporting either, Mr. Finance. Most of the media of this day and age is increasingly controlled by corporate interests, so that's often how you get the right facts and the wrong conclusions drawn from them in the news all the time.

People still do gimmick posts on here?

That's not specific textual evidence. Like, he hasn't written any actual passages in which Garlan is serving the narrative. What he himself says is completely irrelevant for a number of reasons.

Fuck yeah!