
Yeah but where's your specific textual evidence for the claim that, say, Garlan Tyrell is serving the narrative.

I know, right?

I've never seen you here before, but please keep commenting. Insightful and hilarious are you.

I think Littlefinger is explained a little better if you assume he doesn't want the Crown like everyone else, but rather simply wants to secure all the best property. I think his template is Tywin Lannister, who controlled most of the safest and wealthiest interests and thus wielded greater influence than his royal

Right; thing is, the prostitute scene basically just explained that he'd rather fuck people out of what's theirs, and he enjoys it because he's angry at the hands he's been dealt. Not a ton of info to work with there.

Niggy you definitely on point.

How many times do we have to learn she's a badass? We get it, can she make some kind of progress now? Goddamn. Not like she can't be Julius Caesar'd after an unburning anyway.

Assuming feigning deference to the High Sparrow gets them released until trial, they won't be held indefinitely.

You gotta admit that was a fantastically infuriating letter, though.

I was pretty sure he said "our father."

My dad says the Tyrells are making a mistake in allying with the Lannisters against the High Sparrow and that the best thing for them to do would be to feign deference to the Church's pastoral authority and then leave the High Sparrow alone. But I think the Church could run the Lannisters and the Crown over if it

I… thought you were going to disagree?

It's cool man. I could have just Googled it, if I'm honest.

I don't think that the problem is that it's rarely attainable as the article opines. I think it's that it's a body type that many people need not care about having, yet the media and pop culture basically conditions them to believe that it's the ideal.

This blurb is some of your finest work, Katie. That was Sean O'Neal-level savage.

I feel like you could keep your random-ass condescension to yourself


Really? Link?

Guy was probably the best writer on this site, ever. Shame he fucked himself up.

He also completely, fundamentally misunderstands hip-hop in the most clueless, arrogant whiteguy way imaginable most of the time.