
I love the band too dude but like fuck. "Holy"? Come on.

"Robert Christgau rated it a “neither” with a frowny face and didn’t bother drafting a capsule." God, Robert Christgau is such a fucking idiot. He does meaningless bullshit like that all the time.

I definitely think they were making him the Miyamoto Musashi of Westeros with the two-sword thing.

Yeah that reinforces my point.

Yeah, you can see in season 1 that Jaime really looks up to Selmy, and I remember Ned saying to Selmy something like, "I'm glad we didn't meet on the battlefield, because you would have killed me."

I don't understand why her dragons haven't really gotten pissed at her by this point tbh

Of our time and patience, obviously.

Well, it'd be cheaper for them to assassinate him up close and then have a prefab power base once they take over Winterfell.

Dumbasses throughout history and the world over have started wars over that petty shit. It's like, sure, that was fucked up, but after these villages get burnt down and these civilians get displaced and die of starvation and all these soldiers cut each other's throats and these noblemen get assassinated before these

No problem imagining that awesomeness at all.

The Ichi the Blind of cryptohistorical Europe, if you will.

They will, the assholes.

I only disagree with you in stating that Ramsay is increasingly surrounded by disloyal unpredictable assholes who will only do his bidding till they no longer benefit from it. And he's not quite the shrewd calculator his father was.

I agree with you. Don't see how it could play out like this in the books.

Yeah goddamn. Kid must never have read a good space opera.

Traitorous Watchman: "Can ye write me mum in White Harbor? Tell 'er I died fighting the wildlings."

You think they're going to have the decency to wrap that shit up next week? Fat fucking chance. Arbitrary-ass tease. Fuck these people, man. This show is so fucking disrespectful these days with that shit.

who gives a fuck. not be cool with and try to profit off a fundamental betrayal of hospitality to your king, maybe. that'd be a start.

No, fuck her. I still believe every Frey knew about the Red Wedding in advance.
