
You're going to have to present some sort of evidence for the "lack of good values" point. What makes more sense is that people in the ghetto are driven by the same values as everyone else outside the ghetto and turn to crime since it's their only realistic chance at generating any amount of wealth.

No one is advocating for a War on Guns, only a real regulatory structure on their sale.

Yes, albeit with much less harmless consequences

How is that a counterpoint?

For me the hate for Skylar rests around the fact that she slept around with and knowingly supported Ted Beneke, who also betrayed her just as badly as Walt did, having turned out to be holding his firm together by stealing his employees' pensions. She acted all self-righteous about Walt's drug dealing but was fully

I have a counterpoint, but I'll let you have the last word here because I've been looking for an excuse to finish the show and that's just smart enough of a point to do so.

Well the end of season 2 is where it cemented itself as a Gothic masterpiece, so as a fan of such literature, I REALLY want a season 3.

I quit Buffy when Xander failed to marry Anya for no real reason. No death there, but it was so spiteful and forced that it felt worse.

I wouldn't know; I've been wanting to watch Paranoia Agent forever, but haven't gotten the opportunity.

Basically, the Laughing Man never actually existed, having been a kind of terroristic socio-technological phenomenon which emerged on the frustrations of the public after that one kid held that genomics-firm executive at gunpoint on TV. That action was the spark that ignited the powder keg.

That scene between Adi and his uncle. Jesus.

that doesn't really make it funny or even amusing

The 3DS updates of those games are an object lesson in how to do a game re-release. A truly great game never ages in your mind, and in those two cases, Nintendo made you feel like they haven't aged in reality either.

If you think the facts of what they have or have not accomplished agree with my opinion, go ahead.

Can we criticize her for the beliefs she held as First Lady of the United States? Like how she thought (discursively) black criminals were "superpredators" who must be "brought to heel"? I'm so tired of hearing that some criticism of Hillary is unfair. The more she talks and the more dirt is dug up on her, the more

Fuck those cowards. Have they ever been relevant? I've never thought to myself, "God, as a black guy, I'm just so grateful for the CBC! They've done so much good for me and my community!"

All right 2016 what the fuck

Even the sun goes down
Heroes eventually die
Horoscopes often lie
And sometimes, y
Nothing is for sure
Nothing is for certain
And nothing lasts forever


No. It's inappropriate because it's an argument that has nothing to with the topic at hand.