
The problem with your argument is that its scope is inappropriate. None of that shit has anything to do with whether or not men get privileged over women. Poor and black and brown women deal with all that *plus* getting privileged less than their male counterparts. Except for the bit about family court, which you

No true Scotsman fallacy, bro. You're guilty by association; either realize you're being an idiot and never find yourself having to distance from them again, or join them. It's the choice I had to make concerning "Gamergate," which even as a term is ridiculous. You will feel better about yourself and life in general,

Yeah I feel a little awkward about it, but it couldn't be passed up.

What the fuck's a Lemmy

I guess I can buy most of your counterpoints, but 1 and 7 bug the hell out of me. The first because those people were just as human as we are today; do you honestly believe that broadly speaking, they didn't think, "maybe I want my wife to want to have sex with me"? The seventh because I feel like you're inadvertently

There are no "modern social mores," there is no "more primitive time." This is a logical fallacy that has always bugged me. If the past was objectively less worth living in, if we as a species have grown above it, if it has nothing relevant to teach us, what incentive do we have to revisit it, even in the form of some

How the hell did they get that past Nickelodeon?

Motherfuck a reputation. That line of thinking was perfectly applicable to Bill Cosby till the evidence against him became overwhelming. Look, the gawker article was clearly sensationalist, but the other rumors and hearsay are all unsettlingly ambiguous enough that it is wiser to treat it as truth until it's

I would call it "unsettlingly ambiguous."

He is talking about the show.

I would argue that those who had a fanatic's worldview imprinted on their minds are among the victims of the fanatic.

I submit that if you use any religion as a platform to justify the commission of grave sins such as, say, mass murder, then you don't actually care about the religion. You only care about power and control. An extremist's inevitable hypocrisy is irreconcilable with his claim to faith. How can a Buddhist extremist

"Who has claim? All have claim! None has claim!"
Best movie speech ever, and it did mark the beginning of my forming a real opinion on the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli issue. (I was like 15 when I first saw it.)

And whenever the Trans-Pacific Partnership gets implemented, they'll all be criminally prosecutable offenses.

That last point is salient; even as a black progressive, I would have voted for, say, Colin Powell if given no other option

I swear, sometimes I think Samuel Jackson might be the most ageless and versatile actor in the history of the cinema.

Incidentally, I wish JJ Abrams would stop trafficking in 80s nostalgia.

Neither life nor death are real. There is no truth. There is only void.

That's actually a damn good point, something I hadn't considered at all.

Why is Kevin Smith so good at talking about movies and TV but not good at doing them. Like, as much as you want to have his efforts turn out well because you like him, they just don't, and there's no getting around the fact that he's a hack