
Yes I'm right we should overhaul capitalism. Especially since it'll be undeniably obsolete within the next hundred years. But fuck it if it benefits you now, right?

That's the way it works; therefore, it is correct and right.

I don't have a dub/sub preference; I take it on a show-by-show basis, really.

1. Start in Las Vegas, where it's legal

they have a pretty impressive collection of anime and Asian cinema

"Krysten Ritter-played private eye"

The DNA evidence was planted. Not sure how the leather glove would just shrink between being entered as evidence and appearing in court. That, the obviously racially-charged discourse underlying the investigation and public opinion on the case, and the circumstantiality of the evidence make me want to defend OJ's

Then again, OJ was acquitted in a court of law because there wasn't anything putting him at the scene of the crime. It's overwhelmingly clear Cosby is a serial rapist, though.

"[P]eople who take Obama's narrative of his own presidency not only at face value but as a kind of received text—he has a Stalinist-like cult of personality in certain Democratic circles thanks to the way he managed to con the DNC into embracing OFA and OFA's basic religious cult-like culture."

How do you reconcile your assessment with the fact that Sanders is gaining on Hillary according to the polls? And why is the entire establishment machine presenting Hillary as the putative nominee if it's so obvious that she won't hold out? Her campaign has sucked large donkey nuts so far.

Could you not agree though that it Sanders might simply feel it to be impolitic to engage in personal attacks on Hillary? I mean, I think the only reason Sanders uses the word "socialist" is that he's attempting to initiate a discourse that doesn't automatically hold a social-democratic domestic economic agenda in a

If Sanders becomes president, do you think he will remain the "ineffectual nothing," as you put it? I don't see Congress giving a President Sanders any sort of room to execute, but I want to believe he can play politics better than Obama. I voted for that guy both times (my first two election cycles where I was old

I give a fuck about a rich sociopath's emails. I don't find it ironic at all that this particular rich sociopath's treatment of her email bespoke an extreme personal presumption of privilege and capacity to control when a large number of them have now been leaked to the press and scrutinized intensively by very

So, regardless of any realistic caveats against speculation at this point, who do you think will be elected president?

That's an important point about the white folks' non-affluence there, because I think it ironically was instrumental in making them so angry about the housing and fueling their inner tribalism.

Public Enemy! (Last two parts)

Exactly what I was going to say. Not that Stankonia isn't ridiculously good outside of the overrating context.

What I mean is, such anger seems impertinent in the face of good people's simple desire for catharsis.

Same here. I for some silly-ass reason was holding out hope that the broadcast segment would end before the shooting started. Don't know why I was hoping, since that wasn't logically possible. Human brains are weird.

Ghost I like you, man, but you starting to turn into a troll around this bitch. As a fellow black man, I get it. There's a time to be angry at the system and to voice that anger. Now is not that time.