
Unask the question. These "reporter" anchorpeople are paid huge salaries to either have the establishment opinion or no opinion. She's a robot and the Fat Albert voice was just a hilariously bizarre bit of programming.

Jesus H. Christ, this motherfucker upvoted his own goddamn comment!

God took Lenoard Nimoy from us and left this piece of shit.

Wow. Emperor reduced to slave. Jesus.

That last bit kind of takes me aback a bit. I had kind of figured they were like the rich landowners of the American South, reveling in their laziness.

There's a few things that have always struck me kind of hard when reading about this history. Thing it taught me quickest is that what we have been conditioned to think of as "progress" or "decline" is actually just endless transformation. Historical narratives are ideological constructs mostly. But also it makes me

Constantine was a total badass and totally suckered everybody with that vision-of-the-Cross-in-the-sun thing. Brilliant move, politically and militarily.

If you're talking about artificially emergent consciousness, then I guess I could see where you're coming from, but artificial intelligence is already everywhere and ingrained into the infrastructure of modern life. But that's ultimately why I think you're opinion is wrongheaded—unless we're totally wrong about

You make some smart points, but you're a bit of a dick about it. And concerning Blomkamp, admitting ignorance of a thing is one of the worst ways to argue against its validity.

Don't worry, we all make mistakes sometimes. Hell, I obviously did with HoC.

I love how, if you really think about it, they're actually admitting how terrified of drones they are when they say that.

Absolutely; Kevin Spacey's asides to the audience where he spouts these bullshit pontifications on how politicians think in that douchey Southern drawl feel expressly designed to dupe ordinary citizens into thinking they now know what Washington's like. It feels like an a part of the larger news-media con game FOX,

Take me out to the black

I think today is a good day to finish up Deep Space Nine.

I've kind of always thought this about him too. I like him as a person and his career has been a respectable one, but if he had been shot dead or something right after Illmatic but before It Was Written as a posthumous release he would be a fucking legend instead of just one of the greats.

I don't know man. She's kind of a caricature of my whole generation.

Ghost please you're depressing me with all this gentrification talk man

I get a lump in my throat as Worf and Dax take their vows every time. Every. Time. Something about that Klingon myth that Martok's wife recites, where he sheds the pretense and posturing and just admits to the gods that he's lonely and wants to be loved is absolutely beautiful. This is where I finally knew I loved

How the fuck is Cowboy Bebop a "runner-up" in this conversation?

Why are you emphasizing the word theory? That doesn't help your argument at all, believe it or not. It is logically impossible to accept any fact about modern biology or any modern explanation of biological phenomena or processes without first accepting the theory of evolution. That's the problem with the neutrality