
Kids can be super fucking annoying but whenever someone says they hate kids I sort of automatically assume they're dangerously lacking in empathy. I mean everyone was a kid once.

"It's a thin line between heaven and here." —Bubbles

I am the accuser; therefore, you are calling me racist. Also, I'm black and have Jamaican relatives so that whole spiel about how it is I who is evil is a blatantly hypocritical personal attack that tries to move the goalposts of the conversation. Check this out: maybe if I as a black person see buffoonery and strange

You're going to have to give me something better than "nuh-uh!" if you're going to respond to my assertions.

Fuck Lucas's wife. She ain't the issue. Lucas is. Calling somebody racist is never a bit much, all right? If one is wrong in doing so, then they fucked up and that's that. It's not like you're calling somebody a rapist or a murderer. The issue here is that Lucas was too lazy to think, "Hey why am I making the Gungans

I wouldn't equate publicly going on a racist rant with murder.

Especially since he brokered the negotiations between Qing Dynasty China and the Europeans and Japan that allowed for "extraterritoriality" and other flagrant violations of Chinese sovereignty. Though foreign policy is different from political science.

I posted this in some other thread on this site a bit ago, but I can't resist the urge to repost it:


He's got a couple adoptive Christopher Tolkiens I know of. Elio Garcia and Ty Franck (the latter of the Expanse series fame).

Is this from American Sniper?

It kind of is. I just realized that's probably why I prefer The Pianist.

Wow, talk about comment-avatar synergy.

Our military fled Vietnam in disgrace two years before the North Vietnamese Army took Saigon. That's not a tie. That's defeat.

Siding with armed rebels against your government is treason by definition. It's not a matter of semantics or opinion. He would only have been a patriot had his side won.

Somehow an Audioslave song was elevated above mediocrity in a magical moment.

I think he stood up for the right principles, but his status as Everybody's Favorite Traitor annoys me.

Apropos of nothing, people writing and saying "Eddy" Snowden is about as annoying as people writing and saying "Barry" Obama.

I know right?! I always had a carnal relish anytime I spotted a hostile Legionnare after that, though, because they were always great fights against worthy opponents, and because killing slavers in RPGs is always super satisfying to me. Though my alignment in most RPGs usually hangs between neutral-good and

During my first Fallout: New Vegas playthrough I came across a deserted town whose every building had been burned and whose every inhabitant had been crucified. When I got to the town's main road some guy came up to me ecstatic that he had won some sort of lottery and then he ran off. Presently a mid-ranking soldier