
Well my favorite "neutral" moment was standing by and allowing Jacob's father to commit suicide in ME2. In fact that mission as a whole was my favorite in the entire trilogy. It reminded me of the best episodes in the Star Trek franchise.

Fair enough; I mean, I understand how you feel, but ultimately I think people who feel this way are clearly committing the appeal-to-authority fallacy in this case, given the evidence.

Strictly speaking, you wouldn't be able to say you know it even if he were tried and convicted. Nothing is absolutely knowable. Oh wait I'm being pedantic aren't I.

And in this particular case, that position accomplishes what? Makes what salient or relevant point? That if we the court of public opinion don't accept the complete failure of the courts of law to mete out justice, we're somehow lacking in principles? Face it: he's a serial rapist, you know it, and are hiding behind a

Oh fucking hell.

"I think you should be very careful about assuming what I've experienced in my life." So someone in your life has been raped by someone in a position of power, then, is what you're saying.

Also there's absolutely no evidence to that effect.

He's using it specifically because he's a racist hypocrite, I'm guessing.

Letters from Iwo Jima, man. Fuck that movie was powerful.

I'd say All Quiet qualifies to a certain extent since the story was originally written by a German WWI veteran.

Not at all sure how Public Enemy was underrated. It was Heat wearing Depression-era clothes and lacking in the personality and stoic passion.

Well youre a beast so you gotta use your cudgel brah

You guys will have to duel for the right to her honor now.

Can we just not have a live-action Hollywood whiteboy Ghost in the Shell movie?

So what you're saying is that the solution to the North Korean problem is political instead of military in nature. But your last sentence seems telling; does that mean that the United States government is doing anything to abet dissension or even straight-up collapse there? At a guess I'd imagine that the CIA and

Yes, you're right. That's how I should have phrased it.

They have no nukes. They've been trying really hard at making one, but have yet to succeed. Also their military is suffering from obsolescence and disrepair in key areas. Also their people are starving and their economy's revenue is being siphoned mainly toward the upper echelon of the North Korean power structure.

I don't understand; this decision is a total loser from a business standpoint as well. I mean, you're basically telling the world they can easily fuck up my returns on any given investment if they just make an anonymous threat.

Dude, trust me: in this particular case it doesn't matter. That episode WILL hit you like a ton of bricks regardless.

It's not a bad channel actually. It's a pretty small millennial bleeding-heart white people network, but it has a scrappy charm and some pretty interesting programming.