
Fuck this show. This show's a cartoon now. If this bullshitass episode can get a B then Marco Polo deserves a B. Also as someone with a proficient reading knowledge of German, I can say this episode's title doesn't actually make any sense.

Are you a PhD in Mongolian history or something? (I'm being sincere. You seem like a bit of geek for this stuff.)


Your wife's a keeper.

I guess I'm just going to have to accept that it's a guilty pleasure for me because I appreciate and even agree with all the criticism.

Okay given what usually happens to women on this show I find it super creepy that she "love[s] doing [traumatic] scenes"; "It was just really kind of horrible for everyone to be on set, but those scenes are just kind of what feed [her]." Jesus.

All right, clearly my sense of taste is failing me here because virtually everyone hates this show but I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Maybe it's the fact that something other than medieval Europe is being depicted in a historical drama or that I'm a total Eastern history geek? I mean, what am I missing here? I'm

Oh fuck you. Liking to read books and having opinions is one thing, coming off as pretentious about it is another. "[T]his guy speaks to me, that is truthfully, without fear, about what it means personally to be alive today." Really? There are 7 billion people on the planet at least. But this guy's experiences come


God, you sound really pretentious.

It sounds depressing as fuck. I love a powerful story as much as the next guy, but I hate it when a storyteller asks me to luxuriate in the trauma and misery of a victim— which is probably why I'll never watch 12 Years a Slave ever again.

I actually physically began to feel a bit weird as the scale of this number started sinking in. Jesus Christ. I usually don't ask silly questions like this, but what was even the point of asking the original question that led to this number? Why exactly do we care about configurations of colored lines and vertices

And this is why I hated Transmetropolitan. Warren Ellis tries so fucking hard to make clever satire that he just fails and ends up writing self-indulgent, borderline incoherent nonsense.

Well Killer Mike wrote this one woman a sympathy letter. Told her she raised a bunch of fuckboys: "Next time, do better."

Run them jewels fast

Hahaha good one.

Same here. Thirteen-year-old me still loves Tech TV.

I think that's probably the only think that really stings about that channel's demise for me. I still relish over the rest of its fall with great and bitter schadenfreude. Honestly, its managers' and executives' increasingly idiotic and desperate decisions concerning what direction G4 went in made its downhill slide

To my mind, which is totally uninformed on the nature of the TV and internet markets, that seems like a really good idea. Anyone with any relevant knowledge in those areas care to chime in?

I'm going to pick this as my opinion on this if you don't mind. Otherwise I'm honestly at a loss as to how to feel about it. The conflicting statements of the people who witnessed this and Lebeouf's erratic behavior over the last year and a half or so make me feel like it may not have happened, yet my usual default