
Fair enough. I haven't really settled into a firm opinion on this kind of thing myself, frankly, and enjoy debating about it whenever the opportunity arises.

Thanksgiving weekend with the fam was surprisingly great: the food was amazing, the drama was nonexistent (thank God).

Is it Marx's and Engel's fault that millions died under Communist dictatorships, or is it the fault of those dictators?

Or you could just say that they compare well in that they're both a collection of myths specific to a certain cultural and historical context meant ultimately to express faith in the idea that the Universe means something in and of itself. I mean, I guess my point is any argument for or against the Bible's value is

Yes, well, no evidence existing hypothetically to convict was presented.

I'm actually waiting for the day when Tom Hanks turns out to be a rapist or a serial killer or something. Will Smith, too. They creep me the fuck out for no reason I can readily articulate.

I'm in the exact some boat over here.

Also, I was a little pissed at the false equivalence the game made between the Vox Populi and the ruling elite of Columbia. I mean, I guess being willing to fight and die to stand up against a racist ultra right-wing establishment somehow eventually makes you as repugnant as your enemy.

Points taken. Though in any event at least Tyson's been to prison over it. Charlie Sheen and Bill Cosby haven't spent a day behind bars and in fact Charlie Sheen got more rich after his debacle.

If you've watched Bill Maher's show yet dismiss this guy's opinion and anecdotes as "outrageous hyperbole" and expect some sort of hard evidence to back it all up, well.

In the context of that particular kind of sexual/racial narrative, it never matters what's the phenotype the victim. Also, I should have said that the biggest inconsistency had to do with Tyson's sentence. If it were such an open-and-shut case as may be claimed, then why did he only serve three years of a six-year

But I think more saliently for us, i.e. a bunch of internet commentators, the nature of both cases feels different. That is to say that there were enough inconsistencies with Tyson's case and readily detectable racial subtext for anyone who is sensitive to that kind of thing that plenty of black people have room to

Of course I got heated. You're talking about a situation that would immediately affect me in the most negative way. Politics isn't a battlefield, but it isn't a series of ideal abstractions either. Its ideas and philosophies can take root and become real. And speaking to your last point, even as I was heated I was

If you're willing to tell me to go fuck myself for no other reason than that I'd happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time in your hypothetical scenario instead of counting me as an ally despite my criticisms, then we're not on the same side.

Fuck that noise. If a Constitutional Amendment were passed restricting or banning the flood of private donations to politicians, that would minimize the cancers of corruption and polarization in this country.

Fuck you so very much. This is one of the most disingenuous lines of argument I've ever come across. THERE IS NO CONFEDERACY, you dunce. Sure there are plenty of dumb-ass crackers down here who have delusions of bringing it back, but in reality, they tried their little treason and lost 150 years ago. Don't you

You're a fucking moron, and a dangerous one at that. Who the fuck gave you the right to sacrifice me? American politics is not a battlefield, and I am not a pawn to be thrown away in service of your utopia.

As a liberal black guy living in the South, I gotta thank you for your very well thought out opinion on this matter. I'd love being fucked over and left in the cold! It'll get me in better touch with my ancestral past!

Silly-ass writing and a Carrie that's just downright morally disgusting. I'm honestly getting tired of this show. Very glad Aayan's dead though; his softmouthed naive kid bullshit was so fucking annoying and watching Carrie continue to have sex with what looks like a goddamn child was nausea inducing.