
My stomach churns whenever they're having sex honestly

meh who gives a fuck what the proper term is

I guess they don't owe me an explanation for why they're stopping coverage, but it'd be great to have one.

Tired of motherfuckers equating geeky, possibly obscure interests with white people. Good taste and critical thought aren't confined to the privileged. If you hadn't thrown in the white-person Heaven bit I wouldn't have cared. Hell I would've tossed you a 'like.' I mean, I'm sure you don't give a fuck what I think

I'm not even white, but what the fuck does that mean? Say something substantive.

How would you feel if every time you needed to take a piss, you had to do a fuckin handstand!

Boy what a relevant point.

"All right, first of all, what the fuck is going on that you're covering this?"

I tell people all the time, I just need him to do something grounded and a bit understated one more time. Then he can make all the campy B-movies he wants for the rest of life. Just give me one more mature movie.

I'm not givin ya excuses, I'm givin ya fuckin reasons!

But World War II was a total war, meaning no side made a distinction between civilians and enemy combatants. That doesn't make it right or any less fucked up, but that was the situation.

"Former Russian intelligence agents HATE this guy"

Well, I'm not sure deserve had anything to do with it. We had the weapon, the War in Europe was over, Japan refused to surrender despite the fact that, by any measure, it had lost already, and we could make the reasonable, historical-evidence-backed assumption that massive casualties would be a thing if we tried to

Tried to rewatch this not too long ago and was sorely disappointed at how badly written and poorly developed Six was and how obviously shifty Gaius Baltar was. I don't remember them being that fucking annoying.

I haven't read it because it sounds exploitative and disgusting, but how is writing graphic depictions of a female teacher's serial rape of 14-year-old boys supposed to humorously poke holes in media coverage of such scandals?

No, man, I totally get that and I think that is often the hardest thing to cope with whenever my depression hits. For me— everyone is different so I'm not prescribing this to you, mind— I often have to repeat the mantra, "You are obligated to stay alive as long as possible simply because you came into existence in

The Palestinians and Hamas are not the same.

I told you I support neither side, implicitly or otherwise. But we've already established your mental limitations. I just wrote that last bit for show, so everyone will know unequivocally, how fucking stupid you are.

Both the State of Israel and Hamas are literally calling for the genocide of the peoples the other claims to represent. So neither side is in any way good. The side you support actually has the power to commit genocide. The side I support is neither one. Therefore, you are advocating for an ethnic cleansing that

All right, we shall do away with polite discourse then. I will fight fire with fire, since you want Israel to do the same: Why do you keep insisting that anyone who doesn't want to fuck, kill, and eat everyone even remotely associated with Hamas is their ally or looks up to them? Everyone you've ever argued about