
So in order to beat our enemy we should be as morally and ethically bankrupt as our enemy has been?

The A.V. Club

That sounds amazing for a Tarantino flick.

Everything you said past "[he] literally gives every possible interview" is, verifiably, bullshit.

I mean if she had her goddam choice, she'd be the catcher in the rye and all.


"And the areolas was bigger than a mahfucka."

It is obvious that the conversation I got into with @disqus_okgItcD0yy:disqus veered into more general territory than this particular show or setting.

No, actually I'm saying Israel blaming Hamas for those murders was as opportunistic as Hamas using the ramped-up tensions to start hurling primitive mortars into Israeli territory. And the war Israel is waging in response is total war. They've mobilized their entire population, military or otherwise, to the effort

The military was segregated then, but there were plenty of times, such as during the Battle of the Bulge, where black or other non-white units ended up fighting alongside white units because during the chaos of battle nobody has time to enforce segregation. Nobody ever even talks about that stuff. We only ever talk

"Three of our citizens were kidnapped and murdered; it's time for total war! We can blame Hamas for the collateral damage. They killed the three kids in the first place anyway, right? Right?" That's a totally rational response. Just kidding.

Black soldiers were still waiting for Vietnam unless you were a Tuskegee Airman.

Counter drinking game: Take a shot every time some anonymous white guy complains about being confronted by how vastly over-represented his existence is.

Mandalorios, milk's most feared cookie.

yeah, damn can we please have something else happen in this galaxy? and don't just rotate through the other original trilogy archetypes for alternative options either. i'd recognize a re-skinned Han Solo too, corporate execs. jesus

False analogy. And you just reinforced my point.

So what, Japan gets a pass because it's a different culture? They may not be white and were once dogged by American and European attempts at colonization, but as a black guy I can see clearly that they idolize white people in their pop culture— virtually no manga/anime character is designed to look optically or

They're also exceptionally naive about anything that's not Japanese. As a black guy it's hard not to be sensitive to the overt and bizarre racial stereotypes that live in their pop culture's shadow.

Well, is that not happening with Kickstarter?

Damn, that's just relevant as a motherfucker.