
No one is owed a living, but provided a person has a solid plan and offers the right incentives to potential investors, in a liberal capitalist society, their getting a *chance* to make a living makes sense. Right?

Because everyone can do that, regardless of their situation. I mean, it's not like 8k guy would be asking for charity; rather, he'd be asking for a chance and offering incentive to people who can collectively get him that capital.

There's…there's a porn equivalent to Kickstarter?

Can't help but be pissed that my own project was rejected by Kickstarter, but thus guy can just be like, "I'm making potato salad" and get money.

Actually, the more I think about this, the less sure I feel, because if Page were already aware of his illness and had been advised by an expert on how to deal with it, then he clearly failed to do so in this case and can be said to be responsible for his actions.

That's an unrealistic blanket statement and you know it. I don't blame the victim but I also accept that the social consequences of mental illness are entirely unpredictable and that you therefore must be careful in blaming the perp. Do we not send proven mentally ill murderers to secure institutions rather than

It can't be "vile" or some other self-righteous term if the perpetrator was likely not accountable for his behavior. Obviously anyone who has been victimized is entitled to speak about it. Just allow them to speak for themselves. That's what I'm taking away from this.

If you could get everyone to vote anywhere in America, it'd be blue tomorrow.

No one lives by any standard.

Bourne is the king of Israel

Bourne is the king of Israel

Speaking from experience as a nerd who grew up, that's pretty much exactly it.

Still got that clip on an old computer somewhere. Christ on a cracker, 17-Year-Old-Me, you were so pathetic.

I agree, given what I know. It just makes his suicide all the more baffling and tragic.

What was that revolutionary news idea? I'm sincerely curious.

Dude, instead of actually leaving, can you only always be getting ready to leave? You've been at your snarky best the last couple days or so, I swear to God

Todd, I'll never forgive you for maybe, in fact certainly not, having been named after Todd from Breaking Bad

*wiping eyes*

You're a lovely, classy person.

Yeah the kind of stuff he's saying has always annoyed the hell out of me. It's basically this "I and other sort of idiots have freedom of speech" argument, which is a terrible one because it's a deflection from the real issues in these cases. Freedom of speech is just a right provided for you that says the