
First of all, I didn't read that book because it's bullshit. Took a few moments to check it out a number of years ago and knew it was bullshit. That doesn't, however, make the man himself or his actual explorations not real, and you're an idiot if you think so —not that it wasn't already clear that you're an idiot

You… don't believe any of the people I named exist and you're not going to look them up, but you expect me to read your guy's work. And you talk about what you didn't say even though what you implied through your incredibly weak argument is abundantly clear. I'm done. Fuck it, forget I said anything.

So you believe it's white people's destiny to be the best. And you're calling me a fool. Everything that happened to give Europeans what they needed to usher in an "age of exploration" was a matter of pure dumb luck. Whatever narrative you're latching on to is a lie if it isn't predicated entirely on random natural

You can list off all the dead white men you want, it still doesn't change the fact that if chance had blessed black or Asian or any other non-white people with sociopolitical hegemony over the globe, there would largely be that phenotypical man to point to as having any sort of "record" of quality scholarly discourse.

He would have been dead if he had showed up at Dany's doorstep, plain and simple.

Renly's army was a bunch of rich kids who had never been in combat. Aegon's basically got a bunch of Blackwater expats behind him. Yes, Tyrion played him, but you're expecting a sixteen year old with no political experience to not get played by a seasoned player of the Game. He proved he can take advice and use it

okay go ahead and shut that bullshit up before you embarrass yourself further

kill-melisandre, because religious extremists of any ilk annoy me to no end

My money's on Prince Aegon Targaryen (or Blackfyre?) for damn sure, with Tyrion as his Hand. That kid's smart and charismatic as all hell, and seems to go for the bold move when it's appropriate, which is always a trait I like to see in people.

I wish my first comment had been that good…

But mainly it is; way to miss the point.

If it was a typo you could have been said that, so I'm calling bullshit. I mean I don't think you deserve to get shit on for this, but you did fuck up and just need to be like, "Yeah I fucked up."

Probably going to be something to do with CAT-5 cables.

Can someone remind me how the Battle of Castle Black went in the books? Everybody's complaining that Stannis didn't swoop in, but I could have sworn he won't until Mance Rayder's main offensive seems like it's about to overwhelm the Watch, which in turn I could have sworn happens after Storm of Swords.

I've been seeing this line of critical argument about this show spring up more lately. My problem with it is that I think people have the wrong expectations. Though GoT is an HBO show, it's a little wrongheaded to expect it to Have Something to Say in the rich thematic vein of a Sopranos or a Wire, because it's a

Yes, you're right, internets did exist. I should have said the world wide web, which definitely did not exist. The prof. asks his class to make a statement about personal computing that "will be true in ten years" or something like that. He's asking them to make a prediction about the evolution of personal

I stopped watching five minutes in because the super-smart punk chick, who's so far ahead of her university's computer-science department, predicted the existence of the internet some 12 years ahead of her time with precise accuracy and then she and her professor fucked in the back of an arcade because she stole

Fuck, I was hoping you would tell me I was being too harsh and I should give it a chance, because I really wanted this to hook me honestly.

When it's done right, it can be unforgettably great, but it so rarely hits it for me.

I stopped watching five minutes in because the super-smart punk chick, who's so far ahead of her university's computer-science department, predicted the existence of the internet some 12 years ahead of her time with precise accuracy and then she and her professor fucked in the back of an arcade because she stole