
Oh man, same here on that first paragraph; I would look forward to the DBZ-Robotech-Sailor Moon lineup the whole school day.

Yeah I'm pretty much where you are specs-wise and the game does look pretty good, but for the required horsepower it should honestly look better than pretty good.

Gary, the Tenth of his Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, has won this comment thread.

Totally agree on that first point, Jordi is the only interesting character. Everyone else is a rehash of cliches. When "Badboy17" turned out to be the goth chick from The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, it actually pissed me off. I don't think I give enough of a fuck to finish it.

No it doesn't. And it's poorly optimized.

Well yeah; it clearly has the potential to be more than that, but isn't after 5 years in development.

Good lookin out brah. I've been looking for good WWII stuff I haven't seen.

Look, I'm a 24-year-old straight black guy. The only experience I have with HIV is the second-hand kind that comes from stories my parents or other elders tell me about watching friends of their's die of AIDS in the late eighties/early nineties.

Hey yo man, I just saw the movie and I gotta say mad respect due for posting this.

They both sound like motherfucking douchebags who deserved each other, let's face it

That album is wall-to-wall greatness hands down. Perfect late-night album.

Fuck Jay-Z and his Stepin-Fetchit "I'm a giant fucking mogul" bullshit. I'd rather dwell on Dre—who I respect way more cause he's not a self-important douche IRL—making hundreds of millions on the Beats by Dre sale.

I honestly thought she was 15 at the latest. I guess pairing her up with the Hound to make her look super small was a smart move.

And we all know he actually worships the Lord of Light.


Damn; as a former diehard humanities academic, I daresay putting clamps on your nipples and slowly weighing them down one 50-gram weight at a time is probably way more fun.

He's a Wall Street guy? That's pretty cool, as far as money goes. I knew he lived in New York City, but I didn't know that.

and Japan; and the general usefulness of animated cartoons (a view which may or may not be the result of sublimated pedophilic desire), but, hey, he's good people.

You know I used to hate HipsterDBag, but I've grown to respect that guy for exactly this reason; he really is a master of ambiguous, ambivalent satire. It's a shame he's presumably wasting his talent doing whatever he does for a living.

You guys have far-righties up there? That's fucked up.