
Well, yeah, expert and newbie alike can easily see she didn't orchestrate this, but she's smart enough to know her compliance puts Tyrion's life in danger. So despite whatever feelings she harbored, she should have at least been saying to herself, "Damn, my ex is going to die because of what I'm saying," and had the

It's just that in this instance, he did have his reasons which she would have been able to discern if she had looked past her vindictiveness and indignance about it.

Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she didn't fuck the shit out of him in the most humiliating way possible. She took their relationship which they had both been invested in and used it to put Tyrion on death row. She lied about the way he treated him, acted as if he had never been anything to her, and she did

The A.V. Club

Sheeeit. Yeah they made fun of his ass no doubt but he was probably just like, "Fuck you guys, I got to suck on her tit. React. What."

Goddamn that scene was creepier than a motherfucker.

All right. If I triggered this response from you, I'm obviously doing something wrong. Your problem with me is that I'm coming off arrogant and condescending. That's true, I am. I apologize. It's force of habit: this is the internet, after all. The fact of the matter is, this movie left a huge emotional imprint

Why point it out if you're neutral about its consequences? It's generally not possible to say things without implying other things. If you want to bullshit me, try harder.

Yes, because the Arab Spring has been really fucking good for the human race. Even considering you made this comment 11 months ago, this is incredibly naive, to say the least.

No; she considers depictions of rape that don't make sense in the context of the narrative worse than depictions of murder that do.

You sound stupid and are embarrassing yourself.

As a lifelong Wu-Tang disciple, I'm sorry to say I agree with Raekwon about RZA. I've felt that way about him for the last four or five years I think.

Okay, now I'm jelly as FUCK of you, man. I've been looking for a version of that album with that cover forever.

This has nothing to do with anything, but I still laugh at your username-avatar combo sometimes, years later

Too bad. You missed the premier of what looks like a damn good cartoon. Though I will say my only complaint with what I saw last night is that pretty much every character other than Clarence himself is more interesting than he is.

I think you've misinterpreted the word "meek" in that context.

No, I meant that the actor playing Ilyn Payne's cancer is a fucked-up development.

Shit, that's fucked up.

What the fuck's a Lommy?

It didn't work. Bush won by other means.