
This thread sounds awfully familiar, guys.

Hershel bars for dessert.

Holeee shit. I'll have to go back and reread those parts again. Goddamn, Manderly really surprised me with his intelligence and secret badassery.

His prose is pretentious as fuck. Still haven't read past page 5 of Under Heaven because it annoys the hell out of me.

I know, right? Just thinking about those books is a dense, fun thing to do. For me, though, the most important thing is the knowledge that if Martin finishes it and finishes it right, he'll have pulled off something of Shakespearean magnitude.

Okay so what is the significance of Lord Manderley's meat pies? I've read all the books a couple times.

Naked children.

I picture an Avon-Stringer style reminiscing session the night before.

Oh, me too. The Andalites were far more fascinating to 9-year-old me than the kids vs. Yeerks nonsense.

I always felt like Doran Martell was GRRM inserting himself into the series in a darkly cheeky way: He's a big, rich, fatass with gouty legs who's patient and cautious to the extreme who's had to make at least one major shift in his overall agenda and who looks like he'll die before his master plan can be completed.

I feel like I and @avclub-339de039a15a9bd17e4a7029af77b55b:disqus are the only ones on the planet who agree with all that except for a pardon for Snowden. Yes, he gave proof to long-running suspicions of ethically and morally dubious extralegal SIGINT programs, and the U.S. should be held accountable for their

Way to reinforce my point.

"I'm just curious about why you're projecting your view of people who disagree with you onto me."

Improv is in every politician's toolbox.

Failing to get anything done because of an obstructionist Congress, caving in and homeopathically diluting his most important piece of legislation, not standing up to and in some cases even supporting the expansion of extralegal, ethically dubious signals-intelligence programs, not closing Guantanamo Bay (Obama); vs.

Nothing like a great, nuanced Chosen One story. One of my fave kinds of narrative and one of my all-time episodes of this show. It managed to feel large in scope despite its half-hour allotment.

Really. So success and money changes someone for the better and automatically makes him a Serious Person. That's your philosophy on humans.


Fuck you.

Fuck that; Seth MacFarlane is a juvenile asshole.