
I am incredibly ashamed that I ever liked 300. I was 17 when I first saw it, but even then I was a pretty good critical thinker and so I kick myself for not picking up on its obvious ethno-political subtext until later.

Bit of advice, kids: when it comes to puns and Starfleet, you just gotta look out for Numbah One.

Too bad they've spent their lives on a quantum-physical model that has failed to make any meaningful predictions. Just wanted to throw that out there before we as a society suddenly develop a massive collective crush on them and we start seeing memes about them all over the Internet and they become these vapid

Who gives a shit about Lena Dunham. She's a twenty-something hipster with her head way up her ass. I don't give a fuck about her body or how difficult she feels it is to be a young white chick running around New York City fucking various beta-males and drinking her youth away or how self-aware she may or may not be

Let's get pedantic: In saying you're never wrong, you are in fact wrong.

How the fuck

The "how old is 15" thing Chappelle said was to point out that a black kid aged 15 is often seen as a man who can go to actual adult prison because of racist fears, while for a 15-year-old white kid, especially one from the middle class on up, that kind of treatment by the law is unthinkable. Nothing wrong with that

No, he can't. Because he's bullshitting.

Don't I know it.

Open your mind or one day die in vain.

Firstly, I'm not quoting Jesus of Nazareth; I'm quoting a piece of a sermon that is attributed to Jesus, whom I can only describe from an academic perspective as a destitute itinerant preacher who lived in first-century Palestine. This is convenient for me because that description contradicts your previous assertions

"It is said that you should hate your enemy; but I say unto you, love your enemy. If you love only those who love you in return, what credit is that to you?" —attributed to a destitute itinerant preacher in first-century Palestine

To a certain extent, no one needs to define it. It is a hard-wired evolutionary byproduct of our being a self-aware, social species. We just know for whatever mysterious reason that, for instance, killing other human beings is wrong. After a bit of thought we also realize that if every other human being were to

How about a nice fuck you. Get the fuck out of here with that contrarian have-some-perspective relativist bullshit. You want to speak out against your government, you should be able to do so because you're human and have feelings. Sorry if growing up with that right legally defined for me has made me biased toward

How about a nice fuck you. Get the fuck out of here with that contrarian have-some-perspective relativist bullshit. You want to speak out against your government, you should be able to do so because you're human and have feelings. Sorry if growing up with that right legally defined for me has made me biased toward

Oh okay. Well that sucks, I guess.

Wait a minute, goddamnit. I just discovered Buffy some months ago on Netflix after years of sleeping on it. You're telling me those two don't speak to each other nowadays? Some veteran Buffy fan needs to explain this to me stat.

"For every John Lennon there are a thousand Jim Morrisons." What the fuck.

I can't argue with a guy who doesn't even know what he himself is talking about.

What other form of popular music has men of color boasting of poetic eloquence, of precise articulation of whatever it is they wish to express? None.