Was I the only person that saw Ash immediately? Also, I really should get back to work.
Dude... you just wait for the clamping-onto-your-neck animation and it's back-back-high punch... it couldn't be simpler
While You Were Out Kidnapping.
Coming up next on HGTV: Dungeon Do-over!
I have tried this. Did not catch one single mosquito over a (very mosquito-heavy) period of a week.
Android. Version. Please.
These are all what you used to do before you were able to patch games...
Actual core gameplay looks boring as fuck. Who cares about all the new multiplayer ideas if the game looks like it plays exactly like Halo for the most part. Same basic looking clunky movement that leads to predictable combat. Bungie never really did figure out how to make an addictive non predictable FPS. This…
Why aren't there any women in those codes?
From the thread on neoGAF (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthre…)
"GTA is a PlayStation franchise. It started with us."
Scalebound = How to Train your Dragon: Dante Edition
This makes me sad that there will never be another ZombiU 2 one where they get it right, those zombies were great, and the game was the right amount of hard. *Sigh* They should sell the IP so someone could take a chance on it, but Ubi would never do that. Now I'm sad, thanks Dying Light.
well, at least someone got to play it this year....
Awesome takes time, but time doesn't make awesome.
If this news sounds a wee bit familiar, it's because a whole bunch of games seem to be slipping to 2015. The Witcher 3 just did. The Order: 1886. Mad Max. The Division. Even Valve's Steam Machines seem to be slipping.
awesome takes time? Then what happend to Watch Dogs?